We must be able to wrap our hands around the topic of immigration both naturally and from a Biblical perspective. My Learning Center periodical "Immigration Reform" addresses the national and geo-political aspects of immigration while in this summary, immigration is addressed and understood from a Biblical perspective. One of the fundamental benefits of the Christian Bible although many times hard to understand due to translations derived from 'old english' terminology is the Bible contains all the answers to life's challenges if only we took the time to research.
Acts 17:26 records "From one man ( Adam) He (God) made every nation of humanity to live all over the earth, fixing the seasons of the year and the national boundaries within which they live." International Standard Version
" From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. " New International Version
Saint Paul challenged the polytheistic doctrine of the ancient Athenians and in so doing explained who the unknown God of the Athenians is, the one true God. Paul begins to reason with the Athenians, engaging Christian apologetics and states it is God who fixes borders just as He has permanently marked out man's appointed times in history, decided beforehand when they should rise and fall, determined their span of life, fixed seasons of nature, installed a line that marks the limits of an area or borders, determined their boundaries that man should inhabit or live and fixed the limits of the places where they would live. You see tampering with borders or violating their sovereignty is an act against God Himself and His Kingdom. God Himself carved out, planned and designed each sovereign state consisting of borders, a government, laws and full recognition by other sovereign states.
Discontent among constituents is inevitable when God ascribed borders are forcefully changed by forcefully taking new territory or by coercion giving up territory to achieve peace without God's consent. There has to be a reverence for God as with everything else when we address borders.
Deuteronomy 32:8 records " When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided all mankind, he set up boundaries for the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel."
God carefully plans and orchestrates our national citizenship, the country of our birth, thus immigration should be something that is prayerfully considered.
Changing states as a place of residence falls into the same category and should be prayerfully considered because of the physical boundaries and governing domain set for each state. God intends for all of us to respect physical boundaries which reminds leaders not to manipulate boundaries or to gerrymander to achieve electoral outcomes. God must be considered and respected regarding borders set in place. God should be considered even when moving from town to town and be considered before any move.
Respecting boundaries and domains is a part of God's kingdom and His way of doing things. Consulting with God through prayer is a primary aspect of God's kingdom indicated in Proverbs 3:6 that records In all thy ways acknowledge him, and He shall direct thy paths. Let God direct us if indeed we should move across any border into another domain such as a sovereign country, state or township. If we don't remember anything else about Godly immigration we must remember this, to immigrate we must obtain lawfull permission to immigrate before we immigrate. Without any doubt, most definitely God desires that persons change domains or immigrate, and this immigration is done in peace, with joy and consistent with existing law.
It is God's will to be the Director who leads a person to immigrate and in so doing change domains in a spirit of peace and joy. This is the way to immigrate, to be lead by God to immigrate. Although very tricky to ascertain, God uses national crisis, social hostilities engaged by individuals, groups and organizations and government restrictions that ban religious activity with regards to particular faiths as an impetus to immigrate. Sometimes God uses pressure to cause people to immigrate. But there are many who abuse the system which causes unrest and social agitation within societies. There can never be true peace, even for the next generations from immigrants when immigration is affected by force rather than by peace which comes from being lead by God. Noteworthy is the following: because God has set all borders, peaceful immigration requires that God Himself authorize your relocation as He did for Abraham, Jacob, Joseph son of Jacob, Moses, Israel, Mary, Joseph and Jesus as Biblical precedents.
Biblical Precedents Regarding Immigration
1. Abraham - God distinctly intructed and directed Him out of Ur of the Chaldees in ancient Mesopotamia to Canaan, with temporary resident status in seventeen municipalities. Each of us has to discover through fellowship with God if a municipality is for us temporary short term, temporary mid range, temporary long term extended residency or a permanent relocation.
2. Joseph - God gave Joseph son of Jacob a dream fortelling his future rulership, arranged and directed the elements for his transfer from his childhood home to the country of Egypt.
3. Jacob - Pharoah invites and approves immigration for Jacob and his entire family.
4. Moses - God distinctly leads and directs the emigration of Israel from Egypt to ' the Promised Land.'
5. Mary Joseph and Jesus - Mary, Joseph and Jesus relocated from their hometown of Nazareth to Bethlehem, then lead by God to temporarily relocate to Egypt for 1-8 years based on the historical reports of Baronius, Athanasius, Epiphanius, documents such as Tatian's Harmony, the History of Joseph and the Gospel of the Infancy. Jesus returned to Nazareth where He grew up, started His ministry until John the Baptist was imprisoned by Herod at which time He relocated from Nazareth to Capernaum. Capernaum became His permanent home and the permanent home for His disciples.
Although hard to accept, God's laws, God's kingdom has ultimate rule over man's laws and over our ways of doing things. Psalm 103:19 records The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all. So for example when God's ways for immigration are violated, when man's ways of immigration is in conflict with God's ways regarding immigration expect political and social agitation with decisive intervention if all else fails.
God's divine correction begins on a very small scale that is very easy to miss or to associate with the Holy Spirit then ramps up to a crescendo. The sequence that unfolds when God's kingdom begins to work to correct kingdom violations such as forced immigration that transgress His set laws is as follows:
1. There is dissatisfaction and concern expressed by local home owner's association neighborhood watch groups which becomes more and more inflamed. This first stage of correction is designed to awaken offenders of every ethnic group to their transgressions providing opportunity with dignity to make self corrections, to make things right on their own.
2. The next stage follows only if self correction is not effective which is, instead of the unrest fading, the unrest and concerns extend to the township level and human rights groups begin to oppose those concerned.
3. The next stage unfolds when the concern extends to a city Mayoral level and genuine concern is being expressed by large city-wide constituents. Tensions begin to build and there is now local, national and international media coverage making the issue a salient issue.
4. The concern extends to the House of Representatives and to the Senate because of concerns in their districts and the issue is not only local but state-wide involving governors and the Halls of Congress. The issue inflames more and more levels of society instead of dying down.
5. The next step is litigation that extends the quarrel to the judiciary, up the ranks to the supreme court. All the time God providing opportunity for repentance giving leaders at every level the opportunity to fix things so the society may move on.
6. The issue reaches The Executive Office of the President where God gives another opportunity to fix things. If the highest earthly level is not able to fix the problem then the final phase is about to be implemented. God authorized the concept of leadership, both government and private sectors, and of all disciplines and institutions not to fill space but to stand against evil and most importantly to fix all perverted behaviors, installing just behaviors. Leadership has a purpose and leaders are referred to as 'ministers' of God and as ' servants ' of God because of the divine link to God's purpose of ending bad behavior and installing good behavior.
God starts working to correct behaviors that violate His laws at the lowest leadership level giving each leadership level an opportunity to change bad behavior. When we have exhausted all levels of leadership then God has to step in before society implodes or destroys itself. Leadership is part of God's divine order to aid in the preservation of a society or institution. If the issue has to be litigated at the Supreme Court and the issue is still in violation of God's law and or court rulings are as such that shock the conscience this is the final straw and trigger point for the final stage. Here is food for thought, if the earthly city and religious leaders of Sodom and the Plain Cities stood against the violations of God's law and made changes God would not have intervened. All God expects is that when behaviors become inconsistent with God's law, a designated secular or religious leader realize their purpose and fix the problem.
7. Divine intervention, where God Himself begins to correct the problem decisively in a manner that is uniquely outside of man's control, with a series of OMG moments, Oh My God moments because with every phase, with every escalation we didn't get it, we didn't repent making the correction, changing our ways. Can you ascertain where your country is regarding immigration?
Chinese Version
移民的聖經視角 我們必須能夠自然地並從聖經的角度來探討移民話題。我的學習中心期刊「移民改革」討論了移民的國家和地緣政治方面,而在本摘要中,從聖經的角度討論和理解移民。儘管由於源自「古英語」術語的翻譯而導致很多時候難以理解,基督教聖經的基本好處之一是,只要我們花時間研究,聖經就包含了生活挑戰的所有答案。 使徒行傳 17:26 記載:“他(上帝)從一個人(亞當)創造了人類的各個民族,居住在地球上,並確定了一年中的季節和他們居住的國界。” 國際標準版 「他從一個人創造了萬國,使他們居住在整個地球上;他在歷史上標出了他們的指定時期和他們土地的邊界。」新國際版 聖保羅挑戰了古代雅典人的多神教教義,並以此解釋了雅典人未知的上帝是誰,即獨一真神。保羅開始與雅典人推理,採用基督教護教學,並指出是上帝確定了邊界,就像他永久地標出了人類在歷史上指定的時間,預先決定了他們何時興衰,決定了他們的壽命,固定了季節。你看,篡改邊界或侵犯其主權是反對上帝本身和祂的國度的行為。上帝親自雕刻、規劃和設計了每一個主權國家,包括邊界、政府、法律和其他主權國家的充分承認。 當未經上帝同意,透過強行奪取新領土或強迫放棄領土以實現和平而強行改變上帝所劃定的邊界時,選民的不滿是不可避免的。當我們處理邊界問題時,必須像對待其他一切事物一樣尊重上帝。 申命記 32:8 記載:“至高者將產業賜給列國的時候,將全人類分開的時候,就按著以色列子孫的數目,為眾民立定疆界。” 上帝精心策劃和安排我們的國家公民身份,即我們出生的國家,因此移民應該是虔誠考慮的事情。 改變州作為居住地屬於同一類別,並且應該虔誠地考慮,因為每個州都有物理邊界和管轄範圍。上帝希望我們所有人都尊重物理邊界,這提醒領導人不要操縱邊界或不公正地劃分選區來實現選舉結果。關於設定的邊界,必須考慮並尊重上帝。即使從一個城鎮搬到另一個城鎮時,也應該考慮上帝,並且在任何搬家之前都應該考慮上帝。 尊重邊界和領域是神國和祂做事方式的一部分。箴言 3 章 6 節指出,透過禱告與神商量是神國度的一個主要方面,箴言 3 章 6 節記載了你在一切所行的事上都要承認他,他必指引你的路。如果我們確實要跨越任何邊界進入另一個領域,例如主權國家、州或鄉鎮,請讓上帝指引我們。如果我們不記得任何有關敬虔移民的事情,我們必須記住這一點,要移民,我們必須在移民之前獲得合法的移民許可。毫無疑問,上帝絕對希望人們改變領地或移民,而這種移民是在和平、快樂的情況下進行的,並且符合現行法律。 上帝的旨意是成為帶領一個人移民並以和平與喜樂的精神改變領域的主任。這就是移民的路,是被神帶領移民的路。雖然很難確定,但上帝利用國家危機、個人、團體和組織參與的社會敵對行動以及政府禁止特定信仰的宗教活動的限製作為移民的動力。有時上帝會利用壓力讓人們移民。但也有很多人濫用這項制度,導致社會內部動盪和社會騷亂。當移民受到武力而不是來自上帝領導的和平的影響時,即使對於移民的下一代來說,也永遠不可能有真正的和平。值得注意的是:因為上帝已經設定了所有邊界,和平移民需要上帝親自授權您的搬遷,就像祂為亞伯拉罕、雅各、雅各的兒子約瑟、摩西、以色列、瑪麗、約瑟和耶穌所做的聖經先例一樣。 關於移民的聖經先例 1. 亞伯拉罕-神明確指示並引導他離開古代美索不達米亞迦勒底的吾珥,前往迦南,並暫時離開
十七個城市的居民身分。我們每個人都必須透過與上帝的交通來發現一個城市是否適合我們臨時短期、臨時中程、暫時長期延長居住或永久搬遷。 2. 約瑟 - 上帝給了雅各的兒子約瑟一個夢,預示了他未來的統治地位,並安排和指導了他從兒時的家鄉轉移到埃及國的元素。 3. 雅各 - 法老王邀請並批准雅各及其全家移民。 4. 摩西 - 上帝明確地領導和指導以色列人從埃及移民到「應許之地」。 5. 瑪利亞約瑟和耶穌- 瑪利亞、約瑟和耶穌從家鄉拿撒勒搬遷到伯利恆,然後根據巴羅尼烏斯、亞他那修、埃皮法尼烏斯的歷史報道,在上帝的帶領下暫時遷往埃及1-8年,例如塔蒂安的和諧、約瑟的歷史和嬰兒期的福音。耶穌回到他長大的拿撒勒,開始他的事工,直到施洗約翰被希律王監禁,此時他從拿撒勒搬到迦百農。迦百農成為他永久的家,也是他門徒永久的家。 雖然很難接受,但上帝的律法、上帝的國度對人類的法律和我們的做事方式擁有最終的統治權。詩篇 103:19 記載耶和華在天上立定寶座,祂的國掌管萬有。因此,例如,當上帝的移民方式被違反時,當人類的移民方式與上帝關於移民的方式發生衝突時,如果其他一切都失敗了,那麼預計會出現政治和社會鼓動,並進行果斷幹預。 神的神聖糾正開始時規模很小,很容易被忽視或與聖靈聯繫在一起,然後逐漸增強。當上帝的國度開始糾正國度的違規行為時,例如違反上帝所製定的法律的強迫移民,所展開的順序如下: 1. 當地業主協會鄰裡守望小組所表達的不滿和擔憂愈演愈烈。第一階段的糾正旨在喚醒各族裔群體的罪犯,讓他們認識到自己的過錯,為他們提供有尊嚴的機會進行自我糾正,自行糾正錯誤。 2. 如果自我糾正不奏效,就會進入下一階段,即騷亂和擔憂不但不會消退,反而會蔓延到鄉鎮一級,人權團體開始反對有關人士。 3. 當擔憂延伸到市長級別並且全市範圍內的大型選民表達真正的擔憂時,下一階段就會展開。緊張局勢開始加劇,現在當地、國家和國際媒體的報告使這個問題成為一個突出問題。 4. 由於各選區的擔憂,這種擔憂延伸到眾議院和參議院,而且這個問題不僅是地方性的,而且是全州範圍內的,涉及州長和國會大廳。這個問題不但沒有平息,反而激怒了越來越多的社會階層。 5.下一步是訴訟,將爭執延伸至司法部門,直至最高法院。神一直在提供悔改的機會,給各級領導人解決問題的機會,以便社會繼續前進。 6. 這個問題到達了總統行政辦公室,上帝又給了一次解決問題的機會。如果地球最高層無法解決問題,那麼最後階段即將實施。上帝授權政府和私營部門以及所有學科和機構的領導概念不是為了填補空間,而是為了對抗邪惡,最重要的是糾正所有變態行為,建立正義行為。領導者有一個目的,領導者被稱為上帝的“牧師”和上帝的“僕人”,因為與上帝結束不良行為和建立良好行為的目的之間的神聖聯繫。 上帝開始努力糾正最低領導層違反祂律法的行為,為每個領導階層提供改變不良行為的機會。當我們用盡了各級領導力時,上帝就必須在社會崩潰或自我毀滅之前介入。領導力是上帝神聖秩序的一部分,旨在幫助維護社會或機構。如果這個問題必須在最高法院提起訴訟,而這個問題仍然違反上帝的律法,或者法院的裁決震驚了良心,那麼這就是最後階段的最後一根稻草和觸發點。這是值得深思的,如果地上的城市和所多瑪和平原城市的宗教領袖反對違反上帝律法的行為並做出改變,上帝就不會幹預。上帝所期望的是,當行為與上帝的律法不一致時,指定的世俗或宗教領袖會意識到他們的目的並解決問題。 7. 神聖幹預,上帝親自開始糾正