Commentary by Lemuel Baker, Ph.D
The primary goal for the Book of Proverbs is to provide the reader insight, information and challenges that when assimilated will produce the highest quality of life available for any human being to attain. Proverbs was written to promote quality of life, to prevent failure and to promote good success that brings happiness.
We may live a full life span but experience dissatisfaction and failure making our journey unbearable. God intends we experience quality of life not only empty quantity of years full of self inflicted failures. The Book of Proverbs also is designed to steer the reader away from behaviors that will lessen quality of life by bringing failures and hardships. The Book of Proverbs stresses preparation, study and development of raw talents to their full potential. At full potential our talents yield the highest dividends and function effortlessly with less stress. Thus it is worth the toil to develop our talents to peak levels so that we can enjoy the majority of our life span without handicaps.
Most importantly throughout the Book of Proverbs the reader is encouraged to see for themselves again and again to easily conclude JeHoVaH alone is God, Sovereign Lord, God is All Wise - Adonai Khol Chokam, God is Chokmah, He is Wise, can be trusted, worthy to be followed and our Creator. He knows best and true wisdom is indeed making this discovery which is to make His ways the set philosophy for our lives. Here are the three pillars of sustained success which are the foci of the Book of Proverbs.
1. Preparation and mastery of skill sets
2. Sustained good character
3. Wisdom and making appropriate decisions
If any of the three pillars is breached success will be halted until one or all of the pillars are repaired. This is the purpose for the Book of Proverbs to stimulate the reader to embrace behaviors that lead to success and happiness but to point out behaviors that lead to failure. L' dor v' dor translated from generation to generation in Judaism is essential to social sustainability ensuring the teachings of Judaism are not lost to future generations. The teachings of Judaism were passed down orally from Moses to Aaron and then to Joshua who passed the teachings on to the Judges, Prophets, Sages and to present day Rabbis. In Judaism training begins when the child is still at the knees or still a toddler because that is how long it takes to produce a highly functional human being, citizen, sibling, father, husband, wife and successful contributer who is happy. The first milestone and stage of development for Judaism is at Bar Mitzvah for boys or Bat Mitzvah for girls, sons, daughters of the covenant between God and Avraham. Jewish boys and girls become a Bar Mitzvah or a Bat Mitzvah, a son or daughter of the covenant. Cognitive skill sets are acquired through disciplined training that are reinforced and built upon as adults through adult education each Shabbat. The skill sets of the Book of Proverbs do not come over night but take years of preparation formally at school and informally at the kitchen table, on the back yard patio, while on road trips with your family and at synagogue or Church.
The Book of Proverbs is just as important for adults as it is for children. An adult when away from the continued influences of the principles conveyed by the Book of Proverbs begins to make mistakes becoming less proficient at the skill of wisdom. The Book of Proverbs expects an adult to keep themself stimulated with the psycho-spiritual effects of Proverbs by loving the instructions, reading it, studying it, meditating on it, practicing the principles and noting the wonderful benefits that come with living the Proverbs lifestyle, that it does indeed deliver the exact benefits as promised.
A Proverbs deficient life will ship wreck except for divine intervention.Training children cannot be perceived as optional. When children display negative behaviors it may be considered cute, nonthreatening or a bother. But these same behaviors if not replaced with understanding and correct behaviors by the intentional training of a parent or significant person will cause catastrophe in society at all levels. These same behaviors when matured now pose a threat to society. Training according to the Book of Proverbs is critical to every institution of society not optional. Without dedicated parental training, spouses will damage each other, parents will damage children, employers will damage employees, judges will damage defendants, fellow citizens will damage each other and we can create an endless list. The instructions of the Book of Proverbs is not just a weak glue but a powerful adhesive that keeps society well and happy at all levels.
So how may we really enjoy Biblical study and the study of the Book of Proverbs to such a capacity whereby it changes our lives and brings us great joy, success and happiness. To get started, first we should read Proverbs on the surface, obtain simple literal interpretation looking at the information straight forward. Enjoy what you read. Second we will notice hints at deeper meanings and make a note of those hints to explore later writing these hints down as questions. Third begin to seek out the possible deeper meanings to the areas you underlined as questions, search for cross references to see if there are consistent patterns. This is the study phase. Fourth be now open to inspiration, revelation of the not so obvious mystery and God's rich hidden secret that when discovered makes your joy full. This is the happiness that Proverbs talks about in Proverbs 3:13 " Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding."
Proverbs 4:7 says the following: "Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." The original text in Hebrew uses the following words:
For wisdom the word chokmah is used which means skill and prudence. The Hebrew word used for "principle thing" is "re'shiyth" also used in Genesis which means first, beginning or the best. The Hebrew word "qinyan" is used in the original text for "thy getting" which means the thing acquired or possession. Finally the Hebrew word used for understanding is "biynah" which means discernment.
One of the goals of Judaism and themes woven into the Book of Proverbs is to ascribe great importance to "ChaBaD" which is an acronym of Hebrew consonants with vowels inserted translated Chockmah -Biynah -Da'at respectively. Chockmah (Wisdom), Biynah (Understanding) and Da'at (Knowledge) are very important to Judaism and the writer of Proverbs Solomon knew that and in this text attempts to convey this to all readers. The Book of Proverbs and scripture in general was designed to facilitate a psyco-spiritual life learning journey acquiring a full set of wisdom skills, knowledge and understanding as these relate to three aspects of life, God, fellow human beings and society.
Proverbs asks each of us the question how much wisdom, working knowledge and understanding do you have as it relates to our relationship to God. Proverbs asks the same question as it pertains to our relationship with significant others and with the systems within society. Are we navigating well and winning in a complex society, are we in full understanding of others and most importantly are we at peace with God not grieving Him due to a lack of understanding about what He expects of us.
These three letters that form the acronym Chabad describe three core mental functions of learning that Ha Shem teaches through Solomon to help young and old achieve full understanding. Chockmah means "thought" or the first flash of insight we receive towards learning a subject. Biynah means cognition, the act of pondering and meditating on a subject. Da'at means internalizing, the act of processing a subject and making it a part of your heart.
Solomon who was an Orthodox Jew tried to achieve this goal and was responsible as an orthodox Jew to share knowledge, wisdom and understanding with fellow Jews.
As an Orthodox Jew it was Solomon's responsibility to share Chabad with fellow Jews who are it's rightful owner thus the Book of Proverbs was written to that end in mind. Gentiles who need wisdom now have access to wisdom because of Yeshua. Ha Shem fervently presses the issue to seek out and to obtain understanding for this simple reason only those with complete revelation and understanding can be a sustainable winner in life. As a good father Ha Shem wants all His children to be winners.
Proverbs 3:13 records "Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding."
Solomon (Shloomo) again is giving insight into how success is achieved and how to become a winner in life. Again the Hebrew word "Chockmah" which means wisdom and skill. Solomon uses another Hebrew word for understanding "tavoon" which means understanding, intelligence, understanding or mastering your skill.
The Apostle Paul originally known as Rabbi Saul recorded in Hebrews 5:13 " For everyone that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness.." The Apostle Paul a converted Ultra Orthodox Jew knew about the concept and practiced Chabad from his youth.
Winners in life are those who prepare well and master their skill sets. This plays out classically in the work place as well as in society in general. The Hebrew word "eh-sher" is used for happy and this is the end result of "Chabad" to obtain a very high quality of life, stress free and happy. The Hebrew word used for man is "awdam" which means mankind. Now wisdom is available to all mankind who will realize the essential need for it. The Hebrew word used for find is "mat-saw" which means to find or to attain.
The key is to realize wisdom is more precious than gold because among other things wisdom will help attain gold but not vise versa. The Hebrew word "pook" is used for getteth which means to bring out, furnish, produce, cause to come out from. According to Solomon if we adopt as a life style developing our talents and skills to optimum levels and receive pleasure in a lifestyle of excellence we enhance our quality of life. Also if we spend our lives mentoring, furnishing and bringing out of others high level giftings this lifestyle is rewarding.
The classical example for this mentoring and nurturing is a mother developing her children at an early age who lives to see her efforts yield high dividends as her child grows up to be a success in every area of life. Solomon was a recipient of this nurturing from Bathsheba his mother as well as from King David his father.
See Bathsheba's nurturing to Lemuel another name given to King Solomon in Proverbs 31:1-9 as she prepares him to be a wonderful husband for a virtuous wife and also prepares Lemuel to be a success in life. This tender nurturing is very central to Judaism especially at a very early age.
Proverbs 31: 1-9
1 The words of king Lemuel, the prophecy that his mother taught him. 2 What, my son? and what, the son of my womb? and what, the son of my vows? 3 Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings. 4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink wine; nor for princes strong drink: 5 Lest they drink , and forget the law , and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted . 6 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish , and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. 7 Let him drink , and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more. 8 Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. 9 Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.
Effecting change in a person's behavior requires repetition, and here Bathsheba or in Hebrew Bat Sheva begins her training of young Solomon while they are at home bonding because she knows Solomon will need a good wife and thus has to develop virtue himself in order to marry a woman with virtue. Bathsheba also knows leadership and strong character take years to develop and so she begins this critical training while Solomon is still at her knees. Bathsheba begins to point out to Solomon that leaders must be disciplined regarding promiscuity being aware of it's destructive outcome, the use of alcohol and the associated consequencies, to remember a leader's behaviors are impacting affecting many thus responsibility is non-negotiable and finally good character that speaks up for the poor, showing compassion for those who have no voice to be heard in the public square and who fights injustice especially for the under dog. Bathsheba is building character into Solomon so Solomon has the character, faith, conviction and confidence to to speak the truth just because he values the truth. Bathsheba is teaching Solomon to value responsibility, compassion, the love for truth so Solomon will add these values to the visceral part of his value system.
These are attitudes that must be assimilated if a functional citizen, leader, husband, father or employee is to hit the ground running as an adult. If I look at many of the handicaps in my life many point to a deficiency of a Proverbs application. On the other hand many successful people who are happy and contented knowingly or unknowingly are applying principles from the Book of Proverbs. Life on earth without the instruction of Proverbs is full of sorrow. The following verse expresses the goal of Proverbs indicating the absense of the instructions of Proverbs brings a life of sorrow making absent the high enjoyable quality of life God intends. God never intended any human being to live one second without wisdom!
Proverbs 10:22
The Aramaic Bible in Plain English
" The blessing of Lord Jehovah makes rich and there shall be no sorrow with it."
There is no trouble when we do things God's way because their ways - the ways of God's word are ways of peace, tranquility, heaven on earth, restful bliss and security. Proverbs 3:17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace.
In synagogues as theTorah scroll is returned to the Ark-Aron Kodesh where the Torah scrolls are kept, the following quotes from Proverbs and Lamentations are always recited which if you hear it said produces a burst of heaven on earth and a Garden of Eden to your soul.
It is a tree of life for those who grasp it, and all who uphold it are blessed. Proverbs 3:18
Its ways are pleasantness, and all its paths are peace. Proverbs 3:17
Help us turn to You, and we shall return. Renew our lives as in days of old. Lamentations 5:21
Chinese Version
箴言書 Lemuel Baker 博士的評論 《箴言》的主要目標是為讀者提供洞察力、資訊和挑戰,當它們被吸收後,將為任何人帶來最高的生活品質。 箴言的寫作目的是為了提高生活品質、防止失敗並促進帶來幸福的成功。 我們可能度過了完整的一生,但經歷了不滿和失敗,使我們的旅程變得難以忍受。上帝希望我們體驗高品質的生活,而不僅僅是充滿自我造成的失敗的空虛歲月。 《箴言》的目的還在於引導讀者遠離那些會帶來失敗和困難、降低生活品質的行為。 《箴言》強調培養、研究和發展原始人才,以充分發揮其潛力。在充分發揮我們的潛力的情況下,我們的才能會產生最高的紅利,並且在壓力較小的情況下輕鬆發揮作用。因此,將我們的才能發展到頂峰水平是值得付出努力的,這樣我們就可以毫無障礙地享受大部分的人生。 最重要的是,整本《箴言》鼓勵讀者一次又一次親眼目睹,輕鬆得出結論:只有耶和華才是神,至高無上的主宰,神是全智的- Adonai Khol Chokam,神是Chokmah,他是至睿的,可以信賴,值得我們去追隨和我們的創造者。他最了解,真正的智慧確實正在做出這項發現,即使他的道路成為我們所處的既定哲學。以下是《箴言》所關注的持續成功的三大支柱。 1. 技能的準備與掌握 2、持續的良好品格 3. 智慧並做出適當的決定 如果三個支柱中的任何一個被破壞,成功就會停止,直到修復一個或所有支柱為止。這就是《箴言》的目的,即激勵讀者擁抱導致成功和幸福的行為,同時指出導致失敗的行為。在猶太教中代代相傳的「L' dor v' dor」對於社會永續發展至關重要,確保猶太教的教義不會傳給子孫後代。猶太教的教義是從摩西口頭傳承給亞倫,然後傳給約書亞,約書亞,約書亞將這些教義傳給士師、先知、聖賢和當今的拉比。在猶太教中,訓練在孩子還跪著或還是幼兒時就開始了,因為這是培養一個高功能的人、公民、兄弟姐妹、父親、丈夫、妻子和快樂的成功貢獻者所需的時間。猶太教的第一個里程碑和發展階段是男孩的成年禮或女孩的成年禮,這是上帝與亞伯拉罕所立之約的兒子、女兒。猶太男孩和女孩成為成年禮或巴特成年禮,即聖約的兒子或女兒。認知技能是透過嚴格的訓練獲得的,這些訓練在成年後透過每年安息日的成人教育得到加強和建立。 《箴言》的技能不是一朝一夕就能掌握的,而是需要在學校裡正式準備多年,在廚房餐桌上、在後院露台上、在與家人一起公路旅行以及在猶太教堂或教堂裡非正式地準備。 箴言對成人和兒童同樣重要。成年人如果遠離《箴言》所傳達的原則的持續影響,就會開始犯錯誤,變得不那麼精通智慧的技巧。 《箴言書》期望成年人透過熱愛指示、閱讀它、研究它、沉思它、實踐原則並注意到生活在箴言生活方式中所帶來的奇妙好處,讓自己受到箴言的心理精神影響的刺激。確實提供了所承諾的確切好處。 箴言:如果沒有神的干預,缺乏生命的生命就會沉船。當孩子表現出負面行為時,可能會被認為是可愛、無威脅或令人煩惱。但這些相同的行為如果不透過父母或重要人物的有意訓練而被理解和正確的行為所取代,將會在社會各個層面造成災難。這些相同的行為成熟後現在對社會構成威脅。根據《箴言》進行的培訓對於社會的每個機構都至關重要,而不是可選的。如果沒有專門的父母培訓,配偶會互相傷害,父母會傷害孩子,雇主會傷害僱員,法官會傷害被告,同胞會互相傷害,我們可以列出無窮無盡的清單。 《箴言》的教導不僅是一種弱膠水,而且是一種強大的黏合劑,可以使社會各個層面保持良好和幸福。 那麼,我們怎麼能真正享受聖經和箴言的學習,從而改變我們的生活,帶給我們巨大的喜樂、成功和幸福呢?首先,我們應該閱讀
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表面上的諺語,直接看訊息就能得到簡單的字面解釋。享受你所讀的內容。其次,我們會注意到更深層意義的提示,並記下這些提示,以便稍後將這些提示寫成問題進行探索。第三,開始尋找您作為問題強調的領域可能的更深層含義,搜尋交叉引用以查看是否存在一致的模式。這是學習階段。第四,現在要接受靈感,揭示不那麼明顯的奧秘和上帝豐富的隱藏秘密,當發現這些秘密時,會讓你充滿喜樂。這就是箴言3章13節所說的幸福:“得著智慧、得著聰明的,這人便為有福。” 箴言 4 章 7 節說:“智慧是首要的事;所以要獲得智慧;用你所有的努力獲得聰明。”希伯來文原文使用以下字: 對於智慧,使用“chokmah”這個詞,意思是技巧和謹慎。用於“原則事物”的希伯來文是“re'shiyth”,在創世記中也使用,意思是第一、開始或最好的。希伯來文「qinyan」在原文中是「thy getting」的意思,意思是獲得或擁有的東西。最後,用於理解的希伯來詞是“biynah”,意思是洞察力。 猶太教的目標之一和《箴言》中的主題是高度重視“ChaBaD”,它是希伯來語輔音的首字母縮寫詞,其中插入的元音分別翻譯為 Chockmah -Biynah -Da'at。 Chockmah(智慧)、Biynah(理解)和 Da'at(知識)對於猶太教非常重要,《箴言》的作者所羅門知道這一點,並在本文中試圖將這一點傳達給所有讀者。箴言和經文大致上旨在促進心理精神生活學習之旅,獲得全套智慧技能、知識和理解,因為這些涉及生命的三個面向:上帝、人類同胞和社會。 《箴言》提倡「教育」紀律對於人類發展和幸福至關重要。一般來說,受過教育的人比沒有受過教育的人收入高,但少數人也有例外。受過教育的人壽命更長,並且有可能避免日常的貧困折磨。當我們閱讀《箴言》時,我們看到教育的三個階段的推進:正式教育、非正式教育和所學知識的運用。教育的這三個面向都非常重要,缺少這三個面向的教育都會導致障礙。透過嚴格的結構化計劃進行正式教育,透過家庭、親戚、朋友、重要的他人進行非正式教育或同化,並在我們使資訊和技能成為積極的生活哲學時實施,這就是箴言公式。 箴言問我們每個人一個問題:你有多少智慧、工作知識和理解力,因為這關係到我們與神的關係。箴言提出了同樣的問題,因為它涉及我們與重要他人以及社會制度的關係。我們是否在複雜的社會中順利航行並取得勝利,我們是否充分理解他人,最重要的是,我們是否與上帝和好,不會因為不了解祂對我們的期望而使祂悲傷。 這三個字母組成的縮寫 Chabad 描述了 Ha Shem 透過所羅門教授的學習的三個核心心理功能,以幫助年輕人和老年人獲得充分的理解。 Chockmah 的意思是“思想”,或是我們學習一門學科時獲得的第一個頓悟。 Biynah 的意思是認知,即思考和冥想某個主題的行為。 Da'at 的意思是內化,即處理某個主題並使其成為你內心的一部分的行為。 作為正統猶太人的所羅門試圖實現這一目標,並作為正統猶太人有責任與猶太同胞分享知識、智慧和理解。 身為正統猶太人,所羅門有責任與猶太同胞分享查巴德,他們是它的合法所有者,因此《箴言》就是為此目的而寫的。需要智慧的外邦人現在可以因為耶穌而獲得智慧。 Ha Shem 熱切地推動這個問題尋求並獲得理解,原因很簡單,只有那些擁有完全的啟示和理解的人才能成為生命中可持續的贏家。身為一個好父親,哈盛希望他所有的孩子都成為贏家。 箴言 3:13 記載:“得著智慧、得著聰明的,這人便為有福。” 所羅門(Shloomo)再次深入探討如何取得成功以及如何成為人生贏家。希伯來文單字“Chockmah”的意思是智慧和技能。所羅門使用另一個希伯來語單字來理解“tavoon”,意思是理解、智慧、理解或掌握你的技能。
使徒保羅最初被稱為拉比掃羅,在希伯來書5:13 中記載:「凡用奶的,都不熟練講義道。」使徒保羅是一名皈依的極端正統猶太人,他知道這個概念,並從年輕時就實踐了Chabad。保羅寫給提摩太的信向我們展示了猶太教的傳統訓練文化,在孩子很小的時候就開始訓練。提摩太後書 3:15 記載:“你從小就明白聖經的書信,這書信能使你因信基督耶穌有得救的智慧。” 人生的贏家是那些做好充分準備並掌握技能的人。這在工作場所以及整個社會都是典型的表現。希伯來語單字“eh-sher”用於快樂,這就是“Chabad”獲得非常高品質的生活、無壓力和快樂的最終結果。希伯來文“人”一詞是“awdam”,意思是人類。現在,所有人類都可以獲得智慧,他們將意識到對智慧的基本需求。用於“查找”的希伯來語單字是“mat-saw”,意思是“發現”或“獲得”。 關鍵是要認識到智慧比金子更珍貴,因為除此之外,智慧將有助於獲得金子,但反之則不然。希伯來文「pook」一詞用於 getteth,意思是帶出、提供、生產、導致出來。所羅門認為,如果我們採用一種生活方式,將我們的才能和技能發展到最佳水平,並在卓越的生活方式中獲得樂趣,我們就能提高我們的生活品質。此外,如果我們一生都在指導、提供和帶出他人高水準的天賦,那麼這種生活方式就是有價值的。 這種指導和培養的典型例子是,一位母親在孩子很小的時候就開始培養她的孩子,隨著她的孩子長大後在生活的各個領域取得成功,她會看到自己的努力產生高額回報。所羅門從他的母親拔示巴和他的父親大衛王那裡得到了這種養育。 參見《箴言》31:1-9 中芭絲謝芭對雷米爾(Lemuel)(箴言31:1-9 中所羅門王的名字)的培養,她準備讓他成為一個賢惠妻子的好丈夫,也準備讓雷米爾在生活中取得成功。這種溫柔的養育對於猶太教來說非常重要,尤其是在很小的時候。 箴 31: 1-9 1 雷米爾國王的話,他母親教給他的預言。 2 什麼,我的兒子?什麼,我子宮裡的兒子?什麼,我的誓言之子? 3 不要把你的力量交給女人,也不要把你的道路交給毀滅君王的人。 4 雷米爾啊,喝酒不是國王的事,喝酒不是國王的事; 5 免得他們喝了就忘記律法,顛倒了受苦人的判斷。 6 給快要滅亡的人喝烈酒,給心情沉重的人喝酒。 7 讓他喝了,就忘記他的貧窮,不再記念他的痛苦。 8 為那些注定要遭毀滅的人張開你的口,為那些啞巴說話。 9 張開你的口,按公義判斷,為困苦窮乏的人伸冤。 要改變一個人的行為需要重複,這裡的芭絲謝芭(Bathsheba)或希伯來語中的巴特謝瓦(Bat Sheva)開始在年輕的所羅門和所羅門在家建立聯繫時訓練她,因為她知道所羅門需要一個好妻子,因此必須自己培養美德才能娶到一個好妻子。芭絲謝芭也知道,領導力和堅強的性格需要數年時間才能培養出來,所以當所羅門還跪著的時候,她就開始了這項關鍵的訓練。芭絲謝芭開始向所羅門指出,領導者必須對濫交進行紀律處分,意識到其破壞性後果,酗酒和相關後果,記住領導者的行為正在影響許多人,因此責任是不容協商的,最後是良好的品格,為窮人發聲,對那些在公共廣場上沒有聲音的人以及那些特別為弱勢群體而與不公正作鬥爭的人表示同情。芭絲謝芭正在為所羅門塑造品格,因此所羅門擁有說真話的品格、信念、信念和信心,因為他重視真理。芭絲謝芭正在教導所羅門重視責任、同情心和對真理的熱愛,因此所羅門會將這些價值添加到他的價值體系的內在部分。 如果一個有職能的公民、領導者、丈夫、父親或員工想要作為一個成年人開始工作,就必須吸收這些態度。如果我看看生活中的許多障礙,很多都顯示了箴言應用的缺陷。另一方面,許多快樂和滿足的成功人士有意或無意地應用了《箴言》中的原則。沒有箴言指導的地球上的生活充滿了悲傷。以下這節經文表達了《箴言》的目標,顯示缺乏《箴言》的指示會帶來悲傷的生活,從而導致失去上帝想要的高品質生活。上帝從來不想讓任何人在沒有智慧的情況下生活一秒鐘!
箴言 10:22 簡單英語的阿拉姆語聖經 “主耶和華賜福,使人富足,不再有憂愁。” 當我們按照上帝的方式做事時,不會有任何麻煩,因為他們的方式——上帝話語的方式是和平、安寧、人間天堂、安息幸福、和平與安全的方式。箴言 3:17 她的道盡是喜樂,她的路盡都平安。 在猶太教堂中,當《妥拉》捲軸被歸還到保存《妥拉》捲軸的阿倫庫德什方舟時,人們總是會背誦以下引自《箴言》和《哀歌》的經文,如果您聽到這句話,就會在地球上產生一陣天堂,並為您帶來伊甸園。 對於抓住它的人來說,它是一棵生命樹,所有維護它的人都會受到祝福。箴言 3:18 其道皆安樂,其道皆安寧。箴言 3:17 幫助我們轉向你,我們就會回來。讓我們的生活煥然一新。耶利米哀歌 5:21