Why The Faith Community Must Understand Artificial Intelligence AI

I believe the Christian Bible has all the answers we need as a society but many times these answers are not obvious because of the language translation, mental preparation required and not being able to match Biblical descriptions with current events.

If you look at the information in the Christian Bible beyond the poetry thereof and the metaphors thereof you will also find historical information that can be synthesized as well as predictions of future coming technology referenced or described.

The ancient writers did the best they could to describe future events and future technology with the limited reference points of their time. For example they would see a satellite in a vision and interpret then describe the satellite imagery as an angel. The only reference point they had was the image of an angel messenger. They had no idea what a satellite is. It is essential to investigate current contemporary technology to see if there is evidence sufficient to match congruently ancient descriptions of future technology with current or emerging technology.

Let’s look at a few ancient predictions that described future coming events and emerging technology in an innocent manner as the writer tried to describe the technology to the best of his ability using words that were limited to objects available to him. For example Revelation 14:6 references what seems to describe a satellite.  

 And I saw another angel flying in mid-heaven, having the everlasting glad tidings to preach upon those dwelling on the earth, and upon every nation and tribe and tongue and people,. Today we know satellites are used to broadcast by way of media including social media messages to every spot on the earth. Satellite foot prints keep expanding even to remote areas of India.

Another example of imagery recorded in the Bible that describes actual historical events is found in the ancient book of Job 40:15-24. There is reference of what seems to be a class of dinosaurs. Verse 17 seems to differentiate the description between a hippopotamus and a class of dinosaurs describing the dinosaur’s tail of cedar..

He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

Another example is the ancient prophet Ezekiel described what seems to be a new generation high tech model of a military super jet, space craft or a rocket ship with four astronauts.

Ezekiel 1: 4  I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north—an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire looked like glowing metal, and in the fire was what looked like four living creatures

We also see these imageries in the book of Revelation 13:16-17 that predicted a future cashless society as we see digital currency making its way to mainstream finance and transactions. According to the Federal Reserve over 70% of bank account holders use online banking to include mobile banking. If we do not understand digital currency we will not be able to purchase in the future. Millennials especially in Asia, EU, UK, Australia, India are already proficient with digital currency transactions and investments.

Revelation 13:16 records “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark.” Many millennials who are investor entrepreneurs already receive payments for products sold, services rendered by cryptocurrency that goes directly into their crypto wallet. If you ask them why use a crypto wallet they will tell you, “ get use to it, this is the wave of the future.”

Here is another example where God Himself addresses the concept of Sustainability from which come current disciplines such as the green house effect and climate change. The concept of sustainability has been idolized rather than approached pragmatically and reasonably as God intended.

Genesis 2:15 (New International Version)  The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. There is a rational argument in defense of sustainability based in the Bible.

See climate change academy https://lemuelbaker.com/_climate_change_academy

Now let’s talk about why the Faith Community must understand Artificial Intelligence or AI. Artificial Intelligence refers to computers designed to assimilate information, reason, use logic, critical thinking and to make decisions. The book of Revelation references AI and unfortunately the dark side of AI. If the Faith Community can become prepared by awareness, understanding AI features and benefits, pros and cons, the dark side of AI and most importantly be able to identify AI when this technology presents itself to you.

Level 3 super AI technology currently can deceive hardened security systems by fabrication of facial features and human voice. Super AI technology can and will deceive the best of us and this is a warning even to myself to prepare by awareness and education. Jesus Himself warned us of AI deception in Matthew 24 especially in verse 24. For false christs and false prophets will arise, and will do great miracles and wonders, insomuch that if it were possible, the very elect should be deceived. Yes the faith community will be innocently deceived.  

The books of Revelation and Ezekiel can appear to be mysterious and full of metaphors. I suggest the images presented in these books refer in part to reference points, to future systems and technology the ancient authors did not quite understand because they had no reference points and no contexts to rely on. However our generation now has reference points as we embark the trends and super technology of the 21st century. Saint John the Beloved had no idea of artificial intelligence when he wrote the following as he saw it in a vision:

Revelation 13 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the mage of the beast to be killed.  

The book of Revelation can seem mysterious, allegorical, fictitious and superstitious because we haven’t assigned congruent technology to the biblical descriptions. As new super technology unfolds we can now understand how holograms and AI can explain terms such as image of the beast, image of the beast should speak, grant power to give breath to the image of the beast.  The writer of Revelation did not have the reference points of AI but we do. Proverbs 4:7 records Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. The more prepared we are the easier it is to navigate emerging technology and the public policy these new technology create and influence. In other words with understanding we will not be afraid.

The antichrist and his prophet may not be as personally dangerous as we thought. Any claims of creative power or resurrection may be but a paper tiger produced by AI technology. With preparation and knowledge we will be able to ascertain what is concerning and what is a paper tiger. Also understanding and mastering digital currency will make life easier and prevent pitfalls and scams. Cryptocurrency has produced millennials who are multi millionaires and billionaires many from Asia who currently enjoy a lifestyle you can’t yet imagine with savings on hand between One Hundred Million US dollars to One Billion USD to spend.

The dark side of AI as a tool however will create hardships such as government restrictions for the Faith Community and social hostilities from large companies in banking, media, social media, real estate, medical industry, academia, food, travel, auto, all who will align to control, exclude and to dominate. See https://lemuelbaker.com/christian_persecution The more you understand the more peace your mind enjoys.

My three new books  address many other topics that the faith community must wrap our hands around to excel in the 21st century. 

See https://www.amazon.com/Books-Lemuel-Baker/s?rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3ALemuel+Baker

Let’s become more aware of AI. Here is a stunning fact. AI has already been a part of our lives for many years, we just hadn’t been aware we were using AI influenced technology. We have already interacted with one or more levels of AI. There are 3 levels of AI.

1.     Limited AI

2.     Multifunctional AI

3.     Ultra Intelligent Super AI

Level one AI is limited to just one repetitive task such as our smart phones, the voice on the customer service line that frustrates, the chat option on our online banking and the ads that pop up after we just researched a product. Airlines use AI to facilitate your online ticket purchases. Some travel agencies will say “I am a robot” when you are looking for the best price online. We have encountered multifunctional AI that can learn advanced research skills. When we obtain a doctor’s  diagnosis and treatment plan, the treatment plan came from an AI program. When we ordered new windows or ask for an insurance quote the quote comes from an AI program. All industries have been using both limited and multifunctional AI assisted programs for years to provide services to us.

AI advantages include the reduction in human error, 24/7 availability, zero risks, unbiased decisions, faster decisions and can intervene in dangerous situations . AI is a good tool but not to replace doctors. For example AI is a great tool in radiology diagnosis and keeps bad doctors on their toes to do a better job. Currently AI bots do online medical diagnosis and a portion of the population report preferring a diagnosis done by an online telemedicine AI robot.

AI disadvantages include lack of ethics, no emotions, increased unemployment and the dark side of super AIs. We will have to manage by balancing any benefits of AI against the risks thereof until we creatively learn to prosper alternatively.

So why are we now concerned about AI? The reason is the third level super AIs that are more intelligent than humans. With the super level AI there is risk involved if indeed such an intelligent robot cannot be shut down in time before causing damage. An AI glitch can make both creators and hosting companies culpable. Also the super AI weapons and robots can be used against humanity or to deceive humanity. AI deception is not confined to the borders of any one country, even more confusing is assuming an AI deception originates within our country when in fact the source is thousands of miles across the ocean. We must keep a steady head and an informed mind.

Think! The antichrist dies but yet an advance level super AI shows him resurrected from the dead. If the Faith Community fails to master all the salient issues including AI we may be responding to an image and voice that is sophisticated but not real, that looks and sounds just like the real thing. We may come to a point where television news, online videos, still pictures will be AI fabrication and the result is mass confusion and fear. AI gone bad is a time of fear, confusion and a further decline of mental health. We must begin to understand salient issues. Here is the most important reason why the faith community must understand AI.

The resurrection, if the antichrist can convince us that his resurrection is authentic and equal to the resurrection of Jesus Christ then the Christian foundation of a risen savior is not important anymore just another religion nothing special. The Christian belief system cannot exist without the resurrection. The resurrection verifies Jesus’ claims He is God the Son. The resurrection is the wall Christianity needs to attach a hook to. Every hook needs a wall to be attached  to in order to serve a purpose. The antichrist will attempt to discredit the Lordship and Deity of Jesus Christ with AI influences.

As we move rapidly towards super level AIs, AIs will be presented and is already being presented to society as making the world a better place to live. Selling AI technology to large, medium and to small companies, to the military, governments and private enterprises is becoming big business. Yes greed will proliferate access to AI.

There are benefits to AI but also a dark side. For this reason especially concerning any effort to dilute the Lordship of Jesus Christ, now is the time for the Faith Community to strengthen ourselves for the challenges ahead and master the social issues that could cause uncertainty and unnecessary difficulties. Persecution of Jews, the destruction of all Abrahamic religions, the persecution of all conservative leaning religions, such as conservative Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs, all belief systems who push back against an evil political agenda will be par for the course.

For more information regarding important salient issues that affect the faith community see my books entitled Global Influence, Being the Best of the Best, US-Israel Covenant and more.


Chineese Version

什么信仰体必了解人工智能 我相信基督教圣包含了我一个社会所需要的所有答案,但很多些答案并不明,因为语言翻、心理准以及无法将圣描述与当前事件相匹配。 如果你看看基督教圣中的信息,除了其中的歌和隐喻之外,你发现可以合的史信息以及未来技预测 古代作家尽其所能,用他那个代有限的参考点来描述未来事件和未来技。例如,他会在幻象中看到一颗卫星,然后解释卫像,将其描述天使。他唯一的参考点是天使信使的形象。他不知道星是什么。研究当前的当代技至关重要,看看是否有足据将古代未来技的描述与当前或新相一致。 来看看一些古老的言,言以一种天真的方式描述了未来的事件和新,因作者试图用他所能用到的物体范内的词语尽其所能地描述技。例如,启示 14:6 提到了似乎描述星的西。 我又看另一位天使在空中,有永的福音要传给住在地上的人,传给各国、各族、各方、各民。今天我知道星被用来通媒体向地球上的每一个地方广播,包括社交媒体信息。星的足迹不断大,甚至延伸到印度的偏地区。 记录的描述实际历史事件的像的另一个例子是在古书约 40:15-24 中。其中提到了似乎是一种恐。第 17 似乎将河和描述恐尾巴的香柏木区分开来。 他的尾巴像香柏木一样摆动:他的石筋腱相互缠绕 另一个例子是古代先知以西描述了一种似乎是新一代高科技用超级喷气式机、宇宙船或有四名宇航的火箭船。 以西结书 1:4 看,北方刮起一,有一巨大的云,闪电,周有耀眼的光芒。火的中心看起来像光的金属,5 火中似乎有四个活物。 们还在启示 13:16-17 中看到了像,它言了未来的无金社会,因看到数字货币正在入主流金融和交易。根据美联储的数据,超 70% 账户持有人使用网上行,包括手机行。如果我不了解数字货币,我将来就无法购买。千禧一代,尤其是洲、欧盟、英国、澳大利、印度的千禧一代已精通数字货币交易和投 启示 13:16 记载“它又叫众人,不大小、富、自主的、奴的,都在右手或是在上受一个印17 使他若没有受印,就不能买卖。”多千禧一代的投者企家已加密货币收到了所售品、所提供服的付款,些付款直接入他的加密包。如果你们为什么要使用加密包,他会告你,“习惯它,是未来的潮流。” 是另一个例子,上帝到了可持性的概念,温室效和气候化等当前学科就是从可持性概念中生的。可持性的概念被偶像化,而不是像上帝希望的那样务实和合理地待。 2:15(新国版)耶和神将那人安置在伊甸园,使他修理看守。圣中有一个合理的可持辩护 我激人心的《全球影响力》中的气候化章 谈谈为什么信仰社区必了解人工智能或 AI。人工智能是指旨在吸收信息、推理、使用逻辑、批判性思和做出决策的算机。《启示》提到了人工智能,不幸的是,它提到了人工智能的阴暗面。如果信仰社区能、理解人工智能的特点和好、利弊、人工智能的阴暗面做好准,最重要的是,当种技在你面前,能够识别人工智能。 目前,3 人工智能技可以通过伪造面部特征和人声来欺骗强化的安全系。超人工智能技可以并且将会欺当中最秀的人这对我来也是一个警告,要通和教育做好准。耶本人在太福音 24 章,特是第 24 中警告我人工智能的欺。因假基督和假先知将会出,并会大的奇迹和奇事,如果可能的连选民都会被欺。是的,信仰体将被无辜地欺。启示和以西结书似乎很神秘,充隐喻。我认为这中呈像部分指的是参考点,指的是古代作者不太理解的未来系和技,因没有参考点,也没有可以依的背景。然而,我们这一代人在有了参考点,因正着手 21 趋势和超。圣翰在异象中写下以下内容人工智能一无所知: 启示 13 15 他被力,的形象注入生命,野的形象应该说话,并死所有不崇拜野的人。 启示似乎神秘、寓言、虚构和迷信,因没有描述分配一致的技。随着新超的展开,我们现在可以理解全息和人工智能如何解释诸如野形象、野形象应该说话予野形象生命力等术语。启示的作者没有人工智能的参考点,但我有。箴言 4:7 记录智慧是首要的事情;所以要得智慧:用你所有的西来明。我得越充分,就越容易驾驭以及些新技术创造和影响的公共政策。话说,只要理解,我就不会害怕。 基督和他的先知可能并不像我想象的那么危。任何关于造力或复活的主可能只是人工智能技制造的老虎。有了准和知,我将能确定什么是令人担的,什么是老虎。此外,理解和掌握数字货币将使生活更松,并防止陷阱和局。加密货币造就了千禧一代的千万富翁和亿万富翁,其中多人来自洲,他目前享受着你无法想象的生活方式,手 1 亿美元到 10 亿美元的存款可供消 然而,人工智能作一种工具的阴暗面将来困,例如政府信仰社区的限制,以及行、媒体、社交媒体、房地、医、学界、食品、旅游、汽等大公司的社会意,所有些公司都会合起来控制、排斥和支配。我的《全球影响力》中的“基督徒迫害”一章。你了解得越多,你的心灵就越平静。 我的三本新涉及了多其他主,信仰界必掌握些主才能在 21 而出,九本包在售的地方都有售。 更多地了解人工智能。是一个令人震惊的事。人工智能已生活的一部分很多年了,我只是没有意到我正在使用受人工智能影响的技。我与一个或多个级别的人工智能行了交互。人工智能有 3 级别 1. 有限人工智能 2. 多功能人工智能 3. 超智能超人工智能 第一人工智能限于一重复性任,例如我的智能手机、令人沮的客务热线语音、我网上行的聊天选项以及我们刚刚研究品后出的广告。航空公司使用人工智能来方便您的在线购票。当您在网上找最惠的价格,一些旅行社会“我是一个机器人”。我遇到了可以学研究技能的多功能人工智能。当我们获得医生的断和治疗计,治疗计划来自人工智能程序。当我们订购新窗询问险报价来自人工智能程序。多年来,所有行一直在使用有限和多功能的人工智能助程序提供服 人工智能的优势包括减少人为错误、全天候可用、零风险、无偏决策、更快的决策以及可以干情况。人工智能是一个很好的工具,但不能取代医生。例如,人工智能是放射学断的一个很好的工具,它坏医生保持警惕,以做得更好。目前,人工智能机器人行在线疗诊断,部分人口告更喜由在线远程医人工智能机器人行的断。 人工智能的缺点包括缺乏道德、没有情感、失率上升和超人工智能的阴暗面。我平衡人工智能的任何好风险来管理,直到我们创造性地学会以其他方式繁荣展。 那么什么我们现在担心人工智能呢?

原因是第三人工智能比人明。如果种智能机器人在造成害之前无法及,那么超人工智能就会存在风险。人工智能故障会让创造者和托管公司都承担任。此外,超人工智能武器和机器人可以用来抗人或欺。人工智能欺并不局限于任何一个国家的界​​,更令人困惑的是,人们认为人工智能欺源自我国家,而事上,欺的源头远在千里之外。我保持头脑清醒和头脑清醒。想想吧!基督死了,但高人工智能却他死而复生。如果信仰体未能掌握包括人工智能在内的所有突出问题,我可能会但不真像和声音做出反像和声音看起来和听起来都和真西一。我可能会遇到这样的情况:电视、在线视频、静态图片都是人工智能捏造的,果就是大模的混乱和恐惧。人工智能的衰是一个充恐惧、困惑和精神健康一步衰退的代。我开始了解突出的问题是信仰界必了解人工智能的最重要原因。 复活,如果基督者能够让相信他的复活是真的,与耶基督的复活相同,那么复活救世主的基督教基就不再重要,只是另一种宗教,没有什么特的。没有复活,基督教信仰体系就无法存在。复活证实了耶是上帝之子的法。复活是基督教需要挂上子的。每个子都需要挂在上才能发挥作用。基督者将试图利用人工智能的影响来诋毁基督的主和神性。 随着我迅速走向超人工智能,人工智能将呈现给社会,并且已现给社会,世界得更美好。向大、中、小公司、军队、政府和私出售人工智能技正在成大生意。是的,婪将使人工智能的使用范围扩大。 人工智能有好,但也有阴暗面。出于个原因,特是关于任何削弱耶基督主的努力,在是信仰社区加自身以应对未来挑并掌握可能致不确定性和不必要困的社会问题候了。迫害犹太人、摧所有伯拉罕宗教、迫害所有保守向的宗教,如保守的穆斯林、印度教徒和克教徒,所有反政治程的信仰体系都将成 作者:Lemuel Baker,博士 https://www.lemuelbaker.com/ai_artificial_intelligence

By Lemuel Baker, Ph.D


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