To prepare the earth for the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Lemuel Baker Ministries desires to see Two Billion Genuine Converts on the planet who are sold out for Christ, vibrant and strong, who have an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ himself awaiting his rapture, staying ready for Christ's return.
As LBM fulfills the call to the nations, there is a specific plan and brand that the ministry feels God has mandated it to accomplish through Christ not yet implemented and that is to establish Revival Centers throughout the world in four distinct phases concentrating on one phase at a time. Phase one will consist of 10, twenty thousand seat auditorium sized Revival Centers. The twenty thousand seat auditorium as well as the revival center concept will be the LBM Revival Center brand as LBM will also do business as Revival Centers of North America and Revival Centers International, operating LBM's North America Division and also it's International Division.
The LBM message will be far reaching, touching every nation, stating that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, Jesus came as a Savior two thousand years ago and is coming again as King of Kings. With the help of our friends and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, The Head of The Church, our International Division will implement Revival Centers in Kinshasa Congo, Sidney Australia, Tel Aviv Israel, Damascus Syria and Beirut Lebanon. Likewise our North America Division will implement Revival Centers in the Headquarters City of Temecula California, Albuquerque New Mexico, Lincoln Nebraska, Marquette Michigan and Montreal Canada. The good news of Jesus Christ will bring conversions to and revive millions of people to be ready for the second coming of Christ.
The concept for each Revival Center is taken from Exodus 33:1 -23 which records the following: "and it came to pass that everyone that sought the Lord went out unto the Tabernacle...and all the people saw the cloudy pillar stand at the tabernacle door: and all the people rose up and worshiped. My presence will go with you and I will give you rest." The revival center concept is designed and dedicated to facilitate a genuine encounter and intimacy with The Lord Our God. Daniel 11:32b is an outcome we are looking for and that is "the people who do know their God shall be strong and do exploits."
Chinese Version
想像 為我們的主耶穌基督的到來做好準備。雷米爾·貝克事工希望看到地球上有二十億真正的皈依者,他們為基督而賣身,充滿活力和堅強,與耶穌基督本人有著親密的關係,等待著他的被提,為基督的再來做好準備。 當LBM 履行對各國的呼召時,有一個具體的計劃和品牌,該事工認為上帝已經授權它通過基督來完成這一計劃和品牌尚未實施,那就是分四個不同的階段在世界各地建立復興中心,其中一個階段集中在一次。第一階段將包括十、兩萬個座位的禮堂大小的復興中心。兩萬個座位的禮堂和復興中心概念將成為 LBM 復興中心品牌,因為 LBM 也將作為北美復興中心和國際復興中心開展業務,經營 LBM 的北美分部和國際分部。 LBM 的信息將影響深遠,觸及每個國家,指出耶穌基督是主,耶穌在兩千年前作為救世主降臨,並將以萬王之王的身份再次降臨。在我們的朋友和教會元首主耶穌基督本人的幫助下,我們的國際部將在剛果金沙薩、澳洲雪梨、以色列特拉維夫、敘利亞大馬士革和黎巴嫩貝魯特設立復興中心。同樣,我們的北美分部將在總部城市加州特曼庫拉、新墨西哥州阿爾伯克基、內布拉斯加州林肯、密西根州馬凱特和加拿大蒙特婁設立復興中心。耶穌基督的好消息將使數百萬人悔改並復興,為基督的第二次降臨做好準備。 每個復興中心的概念取自出埃及記 33:1 -23,其中記錄了以下內容:「事情是這樣的,凡尋求主的都出去到會幕……眾民都看見雲柱立在會幕門口,眾民都起來敬拜,我必與你同去,使你得安息。復興中心的概念旨在促進與上帝的真正相遇和親密關係。但以理書 11:32b 是我們正在尋找的結果,那就是「認識神的百姓必堅強,並且能有所作為」。