God's Presence Departs A Nation, A Region, A State, A City, A Human Being
Think with me regarding the following two terms. The Kavod/Chavod or Glory and the Ikavod/IChavod or the glory has departed. The word Kavod in the Hebrew alphabet is spelled Khaf, Vet, Dalet and the 'O' sound is a long 'O' sound Ka-vode. The word Ikavod is commonly pronounced with a long ‘E’ sound ee-ka-vode, despite the actual spelling 'alef, yode, kaf, vet, vav, dalet’ and not pronounced a-ya-ka-vode. https://lemuelbaker.com/god_s_presence_leaves_a_nation
There was a sad time in Israel's history around 1180 BC when the Ark of the Covenant was stolen by the indigenous people of the Gaza region that was so emotionally devastating the High Priest Eli fainted and died when he heard the news. This was a big deal. The Ark was God's earthly dwelling place at that time. Eli's daughter-in-law was in labour at the time the news of the stolen Ark arrived and before she died in childbirth she named the child as a memorial to the catastrophe. She named her son Ichavod meaning the 'Glory Has Left.' In 1 Samuel 4 "She named the boy Ichabod,saying, “The Glory has departed from Israel”—because of the capture of the ark of God."
The Hebrew word Chavod/Kavod is used over 600 times from Genesis to Malachi and King David seemed to have understood the importance of the spiritual Kavod for mankind, his mantle as King, his person, his kingdom and Israel more than most.
When God created Adam and Eve both were created to live forever, living on a higher level and were immortal - incapable of death. Recorded in Genesis 2:17 when God said "but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die," man would immediately change from immortality to being mortal, Yerida - stepping down to the lowest level of living full of great toil and struggle - subject to death. The Glory of God was initially introduced into the earth at creation and introduced to man when God sent His Light which was part of His very person into a clay body He created from the loose top soil in the Garden of Eden. He covered Adam and Eve with His glory.
We see in Gen 2:7 NIV
“Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” God placed His Light into a clay vessel, Adam's body. Adam received God's divine light into a vessel, made of clay and when Adam sinned God's light departed. At salvation God's divine light returns to the human spirit and we Allyah step back up or ascend to the higher form of living God intended. Jesus is the Light and asking Him into our heart, we receive the benefit of His Light. Jesus' light removes all darkness!
Jesus said in Matthew 5:16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works.." KJV Bible
"While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” John 9:5
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
King David said, "The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear?" Psalm 7:1
The Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 6,7
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,”made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
Peter's shadow that healed the sick just by being in close proximity to Peter's body was the Kavod burning brightly in and on the Apostle Peter. Don't miss the complete impact and implications provided by the reporting of Peter's shadow healing the sick. According to a Christian's faith the radius and the reach of our personal Kavod can influence those an arms length away, or an entire congregation, an entire city, state, nation or the entire earth. Joshua’s faith extended beyond earth to the sun in our Milkyway Galaxy and Elijah the Prophet’s faith extended to the atmosphere above the earth where condensation occurs. The Kavod provides tangible work and tangible protection. God is the Kavod!
True Christians who belong to Jesus comprise a collective Kavod on earth and if Christians weren't on the earth there would be a constant spiritual atmosphere of Ikavod.
So what causes an Ichavod/Ikavod? A repeated, determined, settled, self importance, and a high-handed sweeping God to the side attitude. As humans we can indeed offend God. Also uninformed foolish actions that violate God's laws will cause His presence to lift. A permanent departure of His life sustaining glory comes about by egregious behavior before God. Sadly for many, God's glory departs without us being aware of it. WE ARE APPROACHING IKAVOD for some and already at IKAVOD for others with only pockets of Kavod on the earth like an oasis in the desert. Ikavod occurs when a population becomes skilled and sophisticated at doing evil. Why would God continue to stay where He is vehemently not wanted and discarded?
America is forcing this corresponding act of God upon itself as a result of its chronic anti-Christ and anti-God attitude. America is forcing God to remove His Kavod and to enter a state of Ikavod, a country with His departed presence. God's light has already departed other regions of the earth. Think! Turkey once thrived with God's Light when Jesus addressed the 7-Churches of Asia Minor in the Book of Revelation. Today Turkey is 99% Islamic. In 1904-1905 there really was a Welsh revival but today the Light has gone out of Wales, the UK and the EU for the most part except for pockets of fervent Christians.
It is a sad day when God's Light leaves a man, woman, country or region just as it was a sad day when God's Light left Adam and Eve. When God's Light leaves a person it leaves quietly without fanfare, without any sound and this is the danger. God's Light may have already departed from many who are not aware. Samson the Judge of Israel lost the Kavod without being aware. Judges 16:20 reports “Then she cried out, “Samson! The Philistines have come to capture you!” When he woke up, he thought, “I will do as before and shake myself free.” But he didn’t realize the LORD had left him.” We can be in the middle of unprecedented growth, material and financial success thinking God is with us as we build in our own strength when in fact the presence of God departed a Church, ministry, person or nation years ago, months ago or days ago!
Israel, is not immune to the departure of God's Light especially if non observant Jews, or neo-modern Reform Judaism reject the existence of the only protection Israel has, the Kavod v' Shekina. Pride and arrogance may cause this precious gift to Judaism to be stolen away. Also the worship of Tel Aviv talent as idolatry instead of the worship of precious Adonai who has blessed Israel. The remedy for Israel as it is for each of us is Tshuva, meaning 'to return,' to return to God's Law, to repent, to return to our first love and to love God intimately. In Judaism the term is "to do Chuva" to repent.
For some, the Light of God, the Kavod can return as it did for King David, the Patriarch Jacob, the Apostle Peter, the Apostle Thomas but not for Aaron the brother of Moses who never really had a deep love relationship with God. If God's Kavod is to return to a life, that person must have had a meaningful, established, mutual love relationship with God before the departure of God's Kavod. There has to have been a mutual deep love relationship established to which we can return.
There is a caveat. Hard times by themselves are not always the symptoms of Ikavod. Our Light
can and will shine during the worst of times. Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel kept the light of God burning brightly while suffering in prison. God considered Joseph ultra blessed in the 'pit' and in the 'prison.' Genesis 39:2 records “The LORD was with Joseph so that he prospered.” The corresponding human action for this exception is 'to have faith in God' as we wait on change with expectation.
The Apostle Paul wrote “God made His Light to shine in our hearts..” Jesus said, “let your light so shine.”
Chinese Version
神的臨在離開了一個國家、一個區域、一個國家、一個城市、一個人 和我一起思考以下兩個術語。 Kavod/Chavod 或榮耀和 Ikavod/IChavod 或榮耀已經離開。 Kavod 這個字在希伯來字母中拼寫為 Khaf、Vet、Dalet,「O」音是長「O」音 Ka-vode。 Ikavod 這個字通常發音為長“E”音 ee-ka-vode,儘管實際拼寫為“alef、yode、kaf、vet、vav、dalet”,而不發音為 a-ya-ka-vode。 西元前1180年左右,以色列歷史上有一段悲傷的時期,當時約櫃被加薩地區的土著人民偷走,這件事給大祭司以利帶來了極大的打擊,當他聽到這個消息時暈倒而死。這是一件大事。方舟是當時上帝在地上的居所。當約櫃被盜的消息傳來時,以利的媳婦正在臨產,在她難產去世之前,她給孩子取了這個名字,以紀念這場災難。她將兒子取名為伊查沃德(Ichavod),意思是「榮耀已離開」。在《撒母耳記上》第 4 章中,“她給孩子起名叫以迦博,意思是:‘榮耀離開了以色列’——因為上帝的約櫃被搶走了。” 希伯來文Chavod/Kavod 從創世記到瑪拉基書被使用了600 多次,大衛王似乎比大多數人都更了解精神Kavod 對人類、他作為國王的衣缽、他的個人、他的王國和以色列的重要性。 當上帝創造亞當和夏娃時,他們被創造為永遠活著,生活在更高的水平並且是不朽的——無法死亡。創世記2章17節記載,當上帝說“只是分別善惡樹上的果子,你們不可吃,因為你們吃的時候必定死”,人類立刻從不朽變為必死,耶里達——降到生命的最低層次,充滿巨大的辛勞和掙扎-死亡。上帝的榮耀最初在創造時被引入地球,並在上帝將祂的光(祂本身的一部分)發送到祂用伊甸園鬆散的表層土壤創造的粘土體中時引入到人類中。他用他的榮耀遮蓋了亞當和夏娃。 我們在創 2:7 看到 NIV “耶和華神用地上的塵土造了一個人,將生氣吹在他鼻孔裡,他就成了活人。”上帝將祂的光放入黏土器皿,也就是亞當的身體中。亞當將神的神聖之光接收到一個用黏土製成的器皿中,當亞當犯罪時,神的光就消失了。在拯救時,上帝的神聖之光回到人類的精神中,我們安拉退後一步或上升到上帝所意圖的更高形式。耶穌是光,請祂進入我們的心裡,我們就會從祂的光中受益。耶穌的光能驅除一切黑暗! 耶穌在馬太福音 5 章 16 節中說:「你們的光也這樣照在人前,叫他們看見你們的好行為。」KJV Bible “當我在世上時,我就是世界的光。”約翰福音 9:5 “我是世界之光。跟隨我的人,就不在黑暗裡行走,必要得著生命的光。約翰福音 8:12 大衛王說:“耶和華是我的亮光,是我的拯救,我還怕誰呢?”詩篇 7:1 使徒保羅在哥林多後書 6,7 章寫道 因為上帝說:“讓光從黑暗中照出來”,他讓他的光照在我們心裡,讓我們知道上帝在基督臉上所彰顯的榮耀。但我們在黏土罐中擁有這個寶藏,以表明這種超越一切的力量來自上帝,而不是來自我們。 彼得的影子只要靠近彼得的身體就能治癒病人,這就是在使徒彼得體內和身上燃燒的卡沃德。不要錯過彼得的影子治愈病人的報道所提供的完整影響和意義。根據基督徒的信仰,我們個人卡沃德的半徑和範圍可以影響一臂之遙的人,或整個會眾,整個城市,州,國家或整個地球。約書亞的信仰從地球延伸到銀河系的太陽,先知以利亞的信仰延伸到地球上方發生凝結的大氣層。 Kavod 提供實際的工作和切實的保護。上帝是卡沃德! 屬於耶穌的真正基督徒在地球上構成了一個集體的卡沃德,如果地球上沒有基督徒,就會有一個持續不斷的伊卡沃德精神氛圍。 那麼是什麼導致了 Ichavod/Ikavod 呢?一種反覆的、堅決的、安定的、自以為是的、霸道的、掃天地的態度。身為人類,我們確實可以冒犯上帝。同樣,違反上帝律法的無知愚蠢行為也會導致祂的存在被提升。在神面前的惡劣行為會導致祂維持生命的榮耀永久消失。對許多人來說可悲的是,神的榮耀在我們沒有意識到的情況下就消失了。對某些人來說,我們正在接近 IKAVOD,而對於其他人來說,我們已經在 IKAVOD 上,地球上只有零星的 Kavod,就像沙漠中的綠洲一樣。當人們變得熟練且老練地作惡時,Ikavod 就會出現。為什麼上帝會繼續激烈地停留在原地? 不想要並被丟棄? 由於美國長期反基督和反上帝的態度,美國正在將上帝的這一相應行動強加於自己。美國正在迫使上帝取消他的卡沃德並進入一個伊卡沃德州,一個有他去世的國家。神的光已經離開了地球的其他地區。思考!當耶穌在《啟示錄》中對小亞細亞七座教會發表演說時,土耳其曾因上帝之光而繁榮昌盛。今天的土耳其99%是伊斯蘭教徒。 1904-1905年,威爾斯確實出現了復興,但今天,除了少數狂熱的基督徒之外,光明已經從威爾斯、英國和歐盟的大部分地區消失了。 當上帝的光離開男人、女人、國家或地區時,這是悲傷的一天,就像上帝的光離開亞當和夏娃一樣。當神的光離開一個人時,它會悄無聲息地離開,沒有任何聲響,這就是危險。上帝的光可能已經離開了許多不知道的人。以色列法官參孫在不知不覺中失去了卡沃德。士師記 16:20 記載:「婦人喊著說:『參孫!非利士人來抓你了!當他醒來時,他想:“我要像以前一樣,擺脫束縛。”但他卻不知道耶和華已經離開他了。我們可能正處於前所未有的成長、物質和財務成功之中,以為上帝與我們同在,因為我們依靠自己的力量進行建設,但實際上上帝的存在在幾年前、幾個月前或幾天前就離開了教會、事工、個人或國家! 以色列也不能免於上帝之光的離開,特別是如果不遵守律法的猶太人或新現代改革猶太教拒絕以色列唯一的保護卡沃德·謝金納的存在。驕傲和傲慢可能會導致猶太教的這份寶貴禮物被偷走。也將特拉維夫人才的崇拜視為偶像崇拜,而不是崇拜祝福以色列的寶貴的阿多奈。對以色列和我們每個人來說,治療方法都是Tshuva,意思是“回歸”,回歸上帝的律法,悔改,回歸我們起初的愛,並親密地愛上帝。在猶太教中,「to do Chuva」一詞是悔改的意思。 對某些人來說,上帝之光、卡沃德可以像大衛王、族長雅各、使徒彼得、使徒多馬那樣回歸,但不能回歸摩西的兄弟亞倫,因為他從未真正與上帝建立過深厚的愛關係。如果上帝的卡沃德要回歸生命,那個人必須在上帝的卡沃德離開之前與上帝建立有意義的、已建立的、相互的愛的關係。一定已經建立了一種我們可以回歸的深厚的愛情關係。 有一個警告。困難時期本身並不總是伊卡沃德的症狀。我們的光 在最糟糕的時期能夠並且將會發光發熱。雅各和拉結的兒子約瑟在監獄中受苦時,仍保持神的光明亮地燃燒。上帝認為約瑟在「坑」和「監獄」裡是極為蒙福的。創世記 39 章 2 節記載:“耶和華與約瑟同在,他就凡事順利。”對於這種例外,相應的人類行動是“對上帝有信心”,因為我們滿懷期待地等待變化。 使徒保羅寫道:“神使他的光照在我們心裡……”耶穌說:“願你的光如此照耀。”