Psalm 91 (Amplified Bible)
1. HE who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].
2. I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust!
3. For [then] He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.
4. [Then] He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings shall you trust and find refuge; His truth and His faithfulness are a shield and a buckler.
5. You shall not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow (the evil plots and slanders of the wicked) that flies by day,
6. Nor of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor of the destruction and sudden death that surprise and lay waste at noonday.
7. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not come near you.
8. Only a spectator shall you be [yourself inaccessible in the secret place of the Most High] as you witness the reward of the wicked.
9. Because you have made the Lord your refuge, and the Most High your dwelling place,
10. There shall no evil befall you, nor any plague or calamity come near your tent.
11. For He will give His angels [especial] charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways [of obedience and service].
12. They shall bear you up on their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone.
13. You shall tread upon the lion and adder; the young lion and the serpent shall you trample underfoot.
14. Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he knows and understands My name [has a personal knowledge of My mercy, love, and kindness--trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never forsake him, no, never].
15. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
16. With long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation.
COMMENTARY by Lemuel Baker, Ph.D
The core message of Psalm 91 is a message of protection, safety and security that comes as a result of permanently being in God's secret place. The focus and hub of this Psalm is the secret place. Everything, all the promises and protection of Psalm 91 revolves around the place of secret. When we are cognizant of that secret place trust is very high and at a maximum level. Because trust is very high in the secret place then rest, strength and peak performance are also very high.
THE SECRET PLACE is the focus of Psalm 91 because every benefit mentioned in the Psalm is contingent upon being in the secret place. Consequently the secret place must be carefully identified and clarified so everyone can see it clearly, understand it clearly and have the opportunity to sit and to dwell there. The secret place as it relates to the Christian is both positional and experiential.
By faith all Christian converts are placed into the secret place of El Elyon (God Most High) but we soon leave the place experientially as life throws us curves or others talk us out of the secret place. Think back to the time you were first born again and converted how glorious the experience was? Soon after the enemy stole the seed planted and we slowly experientially walked out from the secret place we were placed into by the Holy Spirit.
Positionally we will always be in the secret place with Ha Shem but it does us no earthly good for victorious daily living over coming the traps of the enemy if we are not experiencing the power of the secret place. We tend to act as though there is no secret place as we walk by sight instead of walking by living faith.
The SECRET PLACE is a place in Ha Shem Himself as we are placed into Him at conversion; this is positional. Psalm 91:9-10 states this clearly for us so we cannot miss it.
9. Because you have made the Lord your refuge, and the Most High your dwelling place,
10. There shall no evil befall you, nor any plague or calamity come near your tent.
The writer of the 91st Psalm is unknown although some scholars assign Psalm 91 to Moses because the previous Psalm is assigned to Moses. A second method of assigning authorship of a work is using another passage of scripture that quotes a portion of the psalm and ascribes it to a writer. Jewish tradition assigns all Psalms to King David and other scholars conclude the Psalms were written by several authors at different periods some after the sixth century post exile period.
David hiding from Saul understood the concept of the secret place as did Elijah hiding from Jezebel thus the important point is the message, the content and the concept of Psalm 91 rather than the historical author. As a substantive application of this concept you and I can hide away in the secret place in the middle of trouble and find peace, rest, tranquility, love, joy and strength in Gods presence. This is a real place in God as a benefit for each Christian.
It is possible Moses was reflecting on the wilderness journey and more significantly being placed in "the cleft of a rock" by Ha Shem during Moses' initial encounter with Ha Shem on Mount Sanai. Moses developed the concept of the secret place from this very experience; being hid in the safety and security of the cleft of the rock then covered over by the actual hand of Ha Shem for additional protection. Exodus 33:22 records and it hath come to pass, in the passing by of Mine honour, that I have set thee in a cleft of the rock, and spread out My hands over thee, until My passing by.
Moses is reflecting on experiential, living faith, cognizant experience of the secret place that produces great depth and maturity in this earthly life to overcome all obstacles and makes one a leader in the faith. Moses went on to finding protection in the integrity of Ha Shem Himself rather than just the opening and space between a large rock split in two.
The Secret Place is a well established, well defined position understood by the human spirit that you are in The Creator Himself and nothing can get pass him and get through to you as long as we are experiencing active living faith in Ha Shem. Historically the reference to the "secret place" is the Holy of Holies of ancient Israel but man was ultimately designed to dwell in Christ simultaneously as Christ dwells in us.
So the secret place is a well formed state of being in the completed presence of Ha Shem having full awareness you are safe from all evil and that Ha Shem who is your dwelling place is "all powerful" and "the Most High." There is no one or anything stronger, greater or of higher status than Ha Shem who is your stone castle of residence where evil armies cannot penetrate.
The power of the secret place is God revealing His mind to those that love Him as He revealed His secret ways to Moses. Judaism understands the secret place that is set apart for only the righteous. Historically only the righteous Priest without sin could enter the historical Holy of Holies. The world cannot go there nor are interested in the secret place. Judaism understands the true righteous, the "Tzadikkim" are like Elijah dwelling always in the secret place of the Most High. Daniel the Prophet said in Daniel 11:32b "the people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits." Only those who are experientially and positionally tucked away in the secret place of El Elyon can do exploits because we understand Him comprehensively, intimately and have strong faith that works by His overwhelming love. In the secret place we know Gods love, His ability and His attributes cannot fail not even once.
The Apostle Paul knew this type of love and ability and expresses it in his writings to the Ephesian Church. In the New Testament written in Koine Greek unlike the Old Testament written in Hebrew and some Aramaic such as portions of the Book of Daniel the words used for power that could not fail were "dunamis, kratos, ischus and energaia" all are types of Gods power manifested for Paul who lived in the secret place. Paul had to dwell in the secret place in order to finish his mission in life. Ephesians 1:19-21 shows the power of God available to righteous believers who unpretentiously love God, who dwell in the secret place and who walk by faith by trusting, depending and relying upon Jesus Christ for everything.
Those who sell out to Christ and are intimate will do great exploits as Noah did, Abraham did, Isaac did, Jacob did, Joseph did, Samuel did, Elijah and Elisha did, David did , Moses and Joshua did as Old Testament Tzadikkim or righteous ones sold out to God. Each had a clear conscience and repented when they sinned. The TaNaK an acronym for Torah - Neviim - Kesuvim or Jewish Bible indicates by the express use of the word "Tzadikkim" both Joseph the son of Jacob and Mordecai were Tzadikkim. In other words the writers were careful to describe both of these men as tzadikkim and righteous. Without careful study understanding that Mordecai was intimate with God and not just a name in the Book of Esther (Megillot Esther)and was the catalist through his faith that brought the victory over Hayman through Esther. Mordecai and Joseph had power with God that changed entire nations such as Egypt and Persia.
Tzadikkim or righteous people get great miracles because there is no doubt that comes from a defiled conscience. Pure faith energy can flow in the love of Christ and in His peace. The blessing from Ha Shem can be released as a tangible force into and upon a life and situation through you to do spiritual work and to increase, make rich, prevent misfortune in a persons life and so on. The blessing of Adam, Noah, Abraham and Yeshua is not a fictitious mist but a tangible, verifiable force, holy energy that performs work and produces glorious results.
Today in the New Testament all righteousness comes through Jesus Christ to you. Tzadikkim was for the Old Testament but Salvation through genuine conversion in Christ Jesus is for the New Testament. All genuine Christians are righteous ones. He alone is righteous and He is made unto us "wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption." Thank God because we have no righteousness of our own.
The Basics of Psalm 91 should be mentioned to provide a comprehensive study.
In verse 1 the writer says "He" anyone; God makes the invitation for intimacy in the secret place to "everyone." Every human being has the opportunity to enter the secret place through the exclusive door, through the person of Jesus Christ.
We discussed at length the secret place but should point out God is referenced in verse one as Elyon The Most High and as Shadai the Almighty which are two of Gods many attributes. See The Lords Prayer Series for more attributes of God.
In verse 2 the writer is stating his experience by saying "I will say of the Lord" in others words "I will say from experience He has been my refuge and my fortress and as a result I trust Him massively.
In verse 3 the writer discusses the devices of satan. The snare of the fowler is an old English expression for a bird's net set in place but hidden to trap flocks of birds. Some devices are spiritual where satan uses others to trip us with words or covert actions behind the scenes. Other devices are literal communicable deceases that can be spread by physical touching or contaminating an inanimate object known as a fomite that another touches. Some devices of satan are in our imaginations plagued with fear of things that will never happen and some devices are literally sudden death while you sleep, or by accident during the day, morning, noon or night that you didn't see coming. Some devices also include evil spirits attacking your body at night while you sleep or during the day. We must be sensitive to these devices to refuse their power over us.
Other devices that are much more subtle include gossip, slanderous words, false court rulings designed to build an inaccurate document file, available as a false reference and law enforcement transgressions designed to build a false narrative about you that damages your godly image and ability to obtain substantive employment, damaging your life, ministry, career and reputation. These are just some of the devices used by satan, cruel merciless spiritual powers of satan wrought through mankind.
Verse 5 has terms that are taken from old english such as 'terror by night' meaning the dreaded fear of night time that is played out in your mind, 'the arrow that flies by day' meaning always in fear of what bad thing will happen next, 'pestilence that walks in darkness' meaning the snare of a trapper that is set at night to trap animals, 'destruction at noon day' meaning fearing a wipe out even during lunch time, wondering will there be another 9-11 disaster while I am eating lunch today? FAITH must come alive in our hearts knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt God's promise to protect us and to keep us far from danger is indeed true.
Verses 7,8,9 are important because when calamity hits it is Gods will that you be out of the way when it comes. From a distance you will see disaster and look on it from a distance of safety as we are intimate with Ha Shem. Danger must go around you and cannot come near you even with the aid of mighty angels that excel in strength working and ministering for the Christian. If a pestilence of tornado, earthquake, hurricane, bomb blast comes it is Gods will to pre-schedule you either to be a safe distance away from it when it happens or for it to happen a safe distance around you buffered by angels never to you.
A missionary came to our Church while I was a teenager and described the size of an angel she saw outside the window of her jumbo jet airplane that was sent to grant her traveling safety. She said the angel was the size of the jumbo jet airplane itself. Angels are mighty and excel in strength and they are assigned to work miracles to keep us safe according to Ha Shems orders to them.
Verse 13 holds encouragement for us as the writer says we shall tread upon the lion and the adder. The adder is the most poisonous snake with venom that kills you with no pain by putting you in a coma then death. The gift of the Spirit to discern will activate to protect from situations that seduce and kill without you being able to know the depth, degree and severity of kill it has. The lion is invincible in its natural habitat and represents people and institutions that will wipe you out with no effort but God will empower the Christian and raise up a standard against satan for His glory. There are people who have power and abuse it but God Himself who is in covenant with us is our defense and will give us the victory because we are "the righteous of God" in Christ Jesus.
Verse 15 is wonderful because in the secret place where there is a pure conscience with zero doubting God hears and answers every prayer, and shows out for the believer after a grand deliverance. Ha Shem shows out even further by making crooked places straight for a long, deeply satisfying life holding nothing back that will make you happy.
The key to the final verse is Ha Shem obtains more fulfillment from a long satisfying life for us than we do ourselves because He delights in the prosperity of His Children.
Baruch Ha Shem - Bless His Name
Chinese Version
詩篇 91(擴充版聖經) 1. 居住在至高者隱密處的人將在全能者的陰影下保持穩定和固定[他的力量沒有敵人可以抵擋]。 2. 我要說主,祂是我的避難所,我的堡壘,我的神;我倚靠和依靠他,我[自信地]相信他! 3. 因為他必救你脫離捕鳥人的網羅和致命的瘟疫。 4. [然後]他會用他的羽翼保護你,在他的翅膀下你將信賴並找到庇護;他的真理和他的信實是盾牌和圓盾。 5. 你必不怕黑夜的恐怖,也必不怕白日飛來的箭(惡人的邪惡陰謀和誹謗), 6. 也不是黑暗中肆虐的瘟疫,也不是正午突然造成的破壞和突然死亡。 7. 千人可能倒在你身邊,萬人可能倒在你右邊,但他們卻不能靠近你。 8.當你目睹惡人的報應時,你只能是一個旁觀者[在至高者的隱密處你自己是無法接近的]。 9. 因為你以耶和華為你的避難所,以至高者為你的居所, 10. 災禍必不臨到你身上,瘟疫、災難也不臨近你的帳棚。 11. 因為他將賦予他的天使[特別]職責,在你[服從和服務]的一切方式上陪伴、保護和保護你。 12. 他們要用手托著你,免得你的腳碰在石頭上。 13. 你必踐踏獅子和蝰蛇;你必踐踏少壯獅子和大蛇。 14. 因為他專心愛我,所以我要搭救他。我將把他置於高位,因為他知道並理解我的名字[對我的憐憫、愛和仁慈有個人的認識——信任並依靠我,知道我永遠不會拋棄他,不,永遠]。 15. 他求告我,我就應允他。我會在困難中與祂同在,我會拯救祂並榮耀祂。 16. 我要使他滿足長壽,並向他顯明我的救恩。 Lemuel Baker 博士的評論 詩篇 91 篇的核心信息是保護、安全和保障的信息,這是永久處於上帝隱密處的結果。這首詩篇的焦點和中心就是秘密之地。詩篇 91 篇的一切、所有應許和保護都圍繞著秘密之地。當我們認識到這個秘密地點時,信任就會非常高並且達到最高水準。因為在秘地休息時信任度很高,所以實力和巔峰表現也很高。 隱密處是詩篇 91 篇的焦點,因為詩篇中提到的每一個好處都取決於在隱密處。所以密地一定要仔細辨認、講清楚,讓大家都能看得清楚、明白、有機會坐住。與基督徒相關的隱密處既是地位上的,也是經歷上的。 憑著信心,所有的基督徒皈依者都被安置在El Elyon(至高上帝)的秘密之地,但我們很快就會在經驗上離開這個地方,因為生活讓我們彎曲或其他人勸我們離開秘密地方。回想一下你第一次重生皈依時的經歷是多麼榮耀?不久,仇敵偷走了我們所種下的種子,我們就慢慢地經歷著從聖靈安置在我們的隱密處走了出來。 從位置上來說,我們將永遠與 Ha Shem 一起處於秘密地點,但如果我們沒有體驗到秘密地點的力量,那麼我們在日常生活中戰勝敵人的陷阱對我們沒有任何好處。當我們憑著眼見而不是憑著活潑的信心而行時,我們往往會表現得好像沒有什麼秘密地方一樣。 當我們歸信時,我們被安置在哈舍姆(Ha Shem)自己裡面時,秘密之地就是他裡面的一個地方;這是立場性的。詩篇 91:9-10 為我們清楚地說明了這一點,所以我們不能錯過它。 9. 因為你以耶和華為你的避難所,以至高者為你的居所, 10. 災禍必不臨到你身上,瘟疫、災難也不臨近你的帳棚。 第 91 篇詩篇的作者未知,但有些學者將詩篇第 91 篇指定為摩西,因為前一篇詩篇被指定為摩西。確定作品作者身份的第二種方法是使用另一段經文,引用詩篇的一部分並將其歸因於作者。猶太傳統將所有詩篇都歸給大衛王,其他學者得出結論,這些詩篇是由幾位作者在不同時期(大約在六世紀流亡後時期之後)撰寫的。 躲避掃羅的大衛理解隱密處的概念,就像躲避耶洗別的以利亞一樣,因此重要的一點是詩篇 91 篇的信息、內容和概念,而不是歷史作者。作為這個概念的實質應用,你我可以在麻煩中隱藏在隱密的地方,並在神的同在中找到平安、休息、安寧、愛、喜樂和力量。這是上帝真正的地位,對每個人都有好處
基督教。 摩西可能正在反思荒野之旅,更重要的是,當摩西與哈謝姆在薩奈山初次相遇時,摩西被哈謝姆安置在「岩石的裂縫」中。摩西從這次經驗中發展出了秘密場所的概念。隱藏在安全可靠的岩石裂縫中,然後由 Ha Shem 的實際手覆蓋以提供額外的保護。出埃及記 33:22 記載,當我的榮耀經過時,我將你安置在磐石穴中,向你伸手,直到我經過。 摩西正在反思經驗性的、活生生的信仰,以及對秘密之地的認知體驗,這種體驗會在塵世生活中產生巨大的深度和成熟度,以克服所有障礙,使人成為信仰的領袖。摩西繼續在哈謝姆本人的完整性中尋找保護,而不僅僅是一分為二的大岩石之間的開口和空間。 秘密之地是一個完善的、明確的位置,被人類的精神所理解,你在造物主本身之中,只要我們在哈謝姆中經歷積極的活生生的信仰,沒有什麼可以通過他並到達你的身邊。從歷史上看,「秘密之地」指的是古代以色列的至聖所,但人類最終被設計為居住在基督裡,就像基督住在我們裡面一樣。 因此,這個秘密地方是一種良好的存在狀態,處於哈謝姆完全存在的狀態,充分意識到你是安全的,免受所有邪惡的侵害,並且哈謝姆是你的居所,是“全能的」和「至高者」。沒有人或任何事物比 Ha Shem 更強大、更偉大或地位更高,Ha Shem 是你居住的石頭城堡,邪惡的軍隊無法滲透其中。 隱密處的力量是神向愛他的人顯明他的心意,正如他向摩西顯明他的秘密道路一樣。猶太教理解只為義人保留的秘密地方。歷史上只有沒有罪的公義祭司才能進入歷史上的至聖所。世人不能去那裡,也不會對這個秘密地方感興趣。猶太教理解真正的義人,「Tzadikkim」就像以利亞一樣,永遠住在至高者的隱密處。先知但以理在《但以理書》11:32b 中說:“認識上帝的百姓必堅強且能行善。”只有那些在經驗和位置上隱藏在 El Elyon 秘密地點的人才能做出功績,因為我們全面、親密地了解他,並擁有透過他壓倒性的愛而產生的堅定信念。在隱密處,我們知道神的愛、祂的能力和祂的屬性一次也不會失敗。 使徒保羅知道這種愛和能力,並在他寫給以弗所教會的著作中表達了這一點。在用通用希臘文寫成的新約中,與用希伯來文寫成的舊約和一些亞蘭文(例如《但以理書》的部分內容)不同,用來表示不會失敗的力量的字詞是“dunamis、kratos、ischus和energaia”,所有這些都是神的類型能力向住在隱密處的保羅顯現。保羅必須住在隱密處才能完成他一生的使命。以弗所書 1:19-21 向正義的信徒展示了神的大能,他們毫不矯飾地愛神,居住在隱密處,凡事憑著信心而行,信靠、依賴耶穌基督。 那些出賣基督並且親密的人將做出偉大的事蹟,就像諾亞所做的那樣,亞伯拉罕所做的,以撒所做的,雅各所做的,約瑟夫所做的,撒母耳所做的,以利亞和以利沙所做的,大衛所做的,摩西和約書亞所做的,就像舊約中的Tzadikkim或義人一樣那些都賣給了上帝。每個人都有清白的良心,並在犯罪時悔改。 TaNaK 是妥拉 - Neviim - Kesuvim 或猶太聖經的縮寫,透過明確使用「Tzadikkim」一詞,表明雅各的兒子約瑟夫和末底改都是 Tzadikkim。換句話說,編劇們小心翼翼地將這兩個人描述為「tzadikkim」和「正義」。未經仔細研究,就知道末底改與上帝關係密切,而不僅僅是《以斯帖記》中的一個名字(Megillot Esther),並且透過他的信仰成為凱利主義者,透過以斯帖帶來了對海曼的勝利。末底改和約瑟擁有上帝的力量,改變了埃及和波斯等整個國家。
Tzadikkim 或正義的人會獲得偉大的奇蹟,因為毫無疑問這來自於被玷污的良心。純粹的信仰能量可以在基督的愛和祂的平安中流動。來自 Ha Shem 的祝福可以作為一種有形的力量釋放到生活和處境中,透過你進行精神工作,增加、致富、防止一個人生活中的不幸等等。亞當、諾亞、亞伯拉罕和耶穌的祝福不是虛構的迷霧,而是一種有形的、可驗證的力量,一種神聖的能量,能夠發揮作用並產生輝煌的結果。 今天,在新約中,所有的公義都透過耶穌基督降臨在你身上。 Tzadikkim 是針對舊約的,但透過在基督耶穌裡真正轉變而獲得的救恩是針對新約的。所有真正的基督徒都是公義的人。唯有祂是公義的,祂為我們創造了「智慧、公義、聖潔和救贖」。感謝神,因為我們沒有自己的義。 應該提及詩篇 91 篇的基礎知識,以提供全面的研究。 在第 1 節中,作者說「他」是任何人;神向「每個人」發出在秘密場所建立親密關係的邀請。每個人都有機會透過耶穌基督自己進入秘密地點。 我們詳細討論了秘密地點,但應該指出,第一節中提到上帝為至高者埃利昂和全能者沙代,這是上帝的許多屬性中的兩個。請參閱主禱文系列以了解神的更多屬性。 在第2節中,作者透過說「我要說主」來陳述他的經歷,換句話說,「我會從經驗中說,他一直是我的避難所和我的堡壘,因此我非常信任他。 在第 3 節中,作者討論了撒但的詭計。捕鳥者的網羅是一個古老的英語表達,指的是為了捕獲成群的鳥而設置但隱藏的鳥網。有些手段是屬靈的,撒旦利用其他手段在幕後用言語或秘密行動絆倒我們。其他設備實際上是可傳染的疾病,可以透過身體接觸或污染無生命的物體(稱為其他物體接觸的污染物)來傳播。撒旦的一些裝置在我們的想像中充滿了對永遠不會發生的事情的恐懼,有些裝置實際上是在你睡覺時突然死亡,或者在你沒有預見到的白天、早上、中午或晚上意外死亡。有些設備還包括邪靈,會在您睡覺時或白天攻擊您的身體。我們必須對這些設備保持敏感,拒絕它們對我們的控制。 其他更微妙的手段包括流言蜚語、誹謗性言論、旨在建立不准確文檔文件的虛假法庭裁決(可作為虛假參考)以及旨在建立關於您的虛假敘述的執法違規行為,從而損害您的敬虔形象和獲得資訊的能力實質就業,損害你的生活、事工、職業和聲譽。這些只是撒但所使用的一些手段,撒但殘酷無情的精神力量透過人類施行的。 第 5 節的術語取自古英語,例如“夜間恐怖”,意思是對夜間在你腦海中上演的可怕恐懼,“白天飛翔的箭”,意思是總是擔心會發生什麼壞事。在黑暗中行走的瘟疫」是指捕獸者在夜間設置的陷阱來誘捕動物,「中午的破壞」是指即使在午餐時間也擔心被消滅,想知道是否會再次發生9-11災難,而我今天吃午餐了嗎?信心必須在我們心中活躍起來,毫無疑問地知道上帝保護我們並讓我們遠離危險的承諾確實是真實的。 第 7、8、9 節很重要,因為當災難來臨時,神的旨意是讓你在災難來臨時避開。從遠處你會看到災難,並從安全的距離觀看它,因為我們與 Ha Shem 很親密。危險一定會圍繞著你,即使有強大的天使的幫助,這些天使在為基督徒工作和服務方面表現出色,危險也無法靠近你。如果龍捲風、地震、颶風、炸彈爆炸等瘟疫來臨,上帝會預先安排你,要麼在它發生時遠離它,要麼讓它在你周圍發生安全距離,由天使緩衝,永遠不會靠近你。 我十幾歲的時候,一位傳教士來到我們的教堂,描述了她在大型噴射機的窗外看到的天使的大小,這架飛機是為了確保她的旅行安全而派來的。她說天使的大小與大型噴射機本身一樣大。天使力量強大,力量超群,他們被指派去創造奇蹟,按照哈謝姆對他們的命令來保護我們的安全。 第 13 節為我們提供了鼓勵,因為作者說我們將踐踏獅子和蝰蛇。蝰蛇是最毒的蛇,它的毒液可以讓你昏迷然後死亡,毫無痛苦地殺死你。聖靈的分辨恩賜將會被激活
保護自己免受引誘和殺戮的情況的影響,而您卻無法知道殺戮的深度、程度和嚴重性。獅子在其自然棲息地中是不可戰勝的,它代表的人和機構會毫不費力地消滅你,但上帝會賦予基督徒力量,並為他的榮耀樹立對抗撒旦的標準。有些人擁有權力並濫用權力,但與我們立約的神自己是我們的保護者,並將賜給我們勝利,因為我們在基督耶穌裡是「神的義人」。 第15節是奇妙的,因為在隱密的地方,那裡有純正的良心,零懷疑,神垂聽並回應每一個禱告,並在偉大的拯救之後向信徒顯現。哈謝姆的表現更進一步,他把彎曲的地方改正,過著漫長而深深滿足的生活,沒有任何保留,讓你快樂。 最後一節經文的關鍵是,哈謝姆從我們長期令人滿意的生活中獲得了比我們自己更多的滿足,因為他喜悅他的孩子的繁榮。 巴魯克哈森 - 祝福他的名字