1. BREXIT AFTER REFERENDUM , WHAT'S NEXT, HARD OR SOFT BREXIT? Can MPs and UK leadership navigate safely through short-term economic, social and environmental declines before reaching a sustainable post Brexit UK and a post EU member status. The skill set of balancing the economy, social happiness index of constituency and environmental aspects working all three categories in tandem not just one or the other is crucial to success. Negotiations between the UK, the EU and EU partners to establish what post Brexit Britain will look like. Finding consensus among conservative party members of parliament and fish for crossover from labor party members of Parliament and the others among the 650 elected member (MPs) lower House of Commons. The fluid number 792-800 appointed members of the upper House of Lords subsequently approves bills passed in the House of Commons.
2. Strong clashes between members House of Commons that favor British identity and British autonomy or Brexiteers who desire a HARD exit and more lenient MPs who support a SOFT exit. This clash between hard Brexit Brexiteers and soft Brexit Checkers exists within the conservative party itself. This clash will determine the fruits of the Brexit referendum with Brexiteers refusing to accept a BINO, Brexit in name only. Soft Brexit proponents are inclined to use the non EU member model of Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein who still share EU benefits.
3. The exit from a central EU globalization relationship is intricate requiring detailed micro resolutions that includes trade exploring an alternative to the 28 EU states customs union who agree on no tariffs and no restrictions regarding imports, immigration especially British control of it's borders, the UK single market economy, access to healthcare and working visas. The Brexit White Paper the official 104-page document containing detailed plans, proposals and deliverables for negotiation with the EU and UK constituents reveals how intricate Brexit really is.
4. Increase of goods a services, such as automobiles, no longer having access to cheap agricultural imports and losing the UK's seat at the EU table are the concerns of those supporting a soft exit.
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5. There is an intense conceptual and ideological disagreementbetween proponents of a hard and soft exit from the E U considering the true spirit of the Brexit referendum supported a hard Brexit. The soft approach may be a natural response to the reality setting in of the negative and positive impacts of a hard Brexit.
6. Remember the Brexit referendum was premised on constituents responding from a heart attitude rather than from intellectual thought regarding immigration and national identity.
7. Perceived lack of national identity came to a head. Constituents saw their country as something they could not identify with, so multicultural, so unrecognizable, Brits did not feel at home in their own country any longer. Among the Boomer generational cohort and demographic grouping without a college degree Brits did not feel safe in terms of economic security and national security.
8. Recall there are pros and cons to globalization. Benefits to globalization include combined strength politically, economically and access to a larger global resource base.
9. Among the criticisms for globalization is the loss of national identity as each country has to make incremental changes socially, economically and culturally in order to fit a global paradigm. After many years a country loses it's identity and constituents awaken to a new reality that is stunning. Domestic policies come from remote sources who do not understand nor address cultural issues that are close to the heart of the Brits as a people and part of the soul of Britain as a country. With Brexit, Brits realized they were about to lose their identity as a people and as a country and courageously took a stand.
10. National identity was sacrificed for economic gain, access to global resources and political clout.
11. The awakening to the loss of national identity and the alternative of accepting a new paradigm that seemed alarming caused a Brexit, especially among constituents who felt with the heart predominantly as opposed to reviewing alternatives and possible outcomes.
12. When selling globalization as a concept, the framers should have warned constituents up-front loss of national identity could eventually occur making the reality less impacting.
13. Change in leadership at 10 Downing Street from Prime minister David Cameron to Prime minister Theresa May. Prime minister May is in a stiff internal battle with fellow MPs even fellow conservatives who expect a Hard Brexit and who will not compromise.